Hello, I went to uninstall Panda Antivirus this morning. However, as it was starting to, it was bringing up the install wizard instead of the uninstall wizard. So, I cancelled it and tried again. It said that I needed to restart the computer, because of the bad install/uninstall so it could try again.

Well, I've restarted several times, and when I go into the control panel to remove Panda (I click on add/remove Panda) it doesn't do anything. And I can't find an Uninstall in the actual Panda Antivirus Folder.

So, my question is, do I just delete the Panda file? Is this as good as uninstalling or no?

Definitely do NOT delete the thing. That will only make things worse. Please try reinstalling the program then uninstalling it again.

Definitely do NOT delete the thing. That will only make things worse. Please try reinstalling the program then uninstalling it again.

Well, I tried to install it again, and as it started up it said, "Panda Anti Virus is alread installed, you'll have to uninstall it before you install again"

Then it gave me the directions on how to go to start/control panel blah blah to remove the program. And, since it's screwed up, I can't do that because when I click on the add/remove programs nothing happens :(.

Any other suggestions?

I'm hoping there are some knowledgeable Panda AntiVirus users reading this, because what you will need to do is remove the relevent Registry entries which indicate to Windows and the install routine that Panda is installed.

You wuld then be able to reinstall it and correct the corruption causing the problem, and later uninstall it successfully.

Unfortunately, I'm not aware what those Registry entries are for Panda :(

I've had my share of Panda Antivirus 7.0 Platinum edition (I remember the name well).
I could uninstall it after waiting for half an hour for every command that it took. It was conflicting with an existing anti-virus program: Sophos...one of my colleagues had installed it without my knowing. So I installed Panda, I must say I'll never do it again...though I never had your problem that it can't uninstall, I did only get the install program. This was with Win XP, might I ask what your OS is?

I've had my share of Panda Antivirus 7.0 Platinum edition (I remember the name well).
I could uninstall it after waiting for half an hour for every command that it took. It was conflicting with an existing anti-virus program: Sophos...one of my colleagues had installed it without my knowing. So I installed Panda, I must say I'll never do it again...though I never had your problem that it can't uninstall, I did only get the install program. This was with Win XP, might I ask what your OS is?

I use windows XP also :(. I have a registry cleaner. Should I just delete Panda then use the Registry cleaner? It cleans out all registry codes that don't point anywhere.

Or should I do something else?

Unless someone can come up with a better solution SarahH, then yes, that would be a reasonable course of action.

I 'shudder', however, at the use of system utilities like the one you mention, but that's just me!

Unless someone can come up with a better solution SarahH, then yes, that would be a reasonable course of action.

I 'shudder', however, at the use of system utilities like the one you mention, but that's just me!

How come? It's called EasyCleaner, and it's freeware. Do these things delete important registries sometimes? It was recommended to me by Crunchie.

Like I said, it's just me! But I'm quite sure that Crunchie wouldn't recommend a product that he didn't think was a good option, and I've not yet seen him give poor advice.

How come? It's called EasyCleaner, and it's freeware. Do these things delete important registries sometimes? It was recommended to me by Crunchie.

I'm not reccommending it either, but I use a different regcleaner. Regcleaner 4.3, made by Jouni Vuorio. I find it easy to use. (CW I think you might want to check this one out too). Instead of searching down every string of the software in the registry, this one needs only 2 mouse clicks to get it removed.

Its sites like the regcleaner download that people get spyware from .Popup,redirect to another program .Ect ECT
I will install it and see what comes with it .:)

Edit:Neat little program ,and nothing bad came with it !!

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