Hey im just woundering how may perple find windows xp pro and home reliable because i have had alot more problems withwindows xp than windows 2000.

Did you 'upgrade' to Windows XP (over the top of a previous install) or install Windows XP fresh and clean?

I've had Windows XP installations running here for over 18 months now, without a hitch.

No xp was a new install

What sort of problems have you been having? I'm truly curious, as I've had nothing but glowing praise of it from almost everybody who's switched to XP

I have a problem at the moment when i have multiple IE and Other programs running at one time eg outlook, i can only change between progams usinf alt + tab if id do it the other way via the task bar the progran will freeze for about 15 sec at the most.

Do you understand what i mean.

This is the most recent problem and started when i ran windows update last

most updates, don't need to be good updates...

Curious. I've got all Windows updates installed here, and haven't had any problem .

I haven't been able to uncover any reports of this behaviour following a recent update, either.

I havent installed sp1 yet. how long dose it take to install the express update?

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