
I am on Windows XP Professional with sp2 and I am having this weird problem. Whenever I right click the task bar and tick the "Quick Launch" option, I do not get the three defualt icons that make up this bar namely Media player, Internet Explorer and Desktop. Can any one help please? Thanks.


I am on Windows XP Professional with sp2 and I am having this weird problem. Whenever I right click the task bar and tick the "Quick Launch" option, I do not get the three defualt icons that make up this bar namely Media player, Internet Explorer and Desktop. Can any one help please? Thanks.

Hello, do you get anything ,if not try thr following
Quick Launch - Missing or you receive an error message, to correct:

This behavior can occur if the Quick Launch folder has been deleted. To resolve this issue, recreate the Quick Launch folder. Create a folder named Quick Launch at the following location:

C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer.

Or this tool to help fix problem .

Hello, do you get anything ,if not try thr following
Quick Launch - Missing or you receive an error message, to correct:

This behavior can occur if the Quick Launch folder has been deleted. To resolve this issue, recreate the Quick Launch folder. Create a folder named Quick Launch at the following location:

C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer.

Or this tool to help fix problem .

Thanks the problem is over now. Cheers.

Thanks the problem is over now. Cheers.

Your welcome ,cheers

Thank you! My problem is solved now.

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