Ok people lets battle It out! Which Is better , firefox or IE?? My opinion Is firefox lets here yours.

Firefox of course...

IE6 (With MyIE2 in front)

There is no definitive 'better' browser, only 'different' if taken as a whole. You can look at particualr attributes and come up with substantive reasons why one might be better than the other, but would probably have to bring other clients into the frame as well (Opera for security issues, for example.)

That said, I have had to do head-to-head reviews of FF and IE in my professional capacity as a tech journalist and FF wins every time... :)

Opera is really nice actually and has some good widgets but it has some features that are just too distracting and it is slow.

FF wins for me although I have only been using it since 2 came out because I didn't really like it before the TBH. But now it is 100 bezillion times better than IE any day.

IE as its the only free one for Windows PocketPC and i like to sync my favourites to it.

Firefox all the way (I'm using Linux, you know)!

The cross-platform stuff is often overlooked when talking about browser clients of course, and IE is left dead in the water (obviously) by both FF and Opera in this regard.

And FF has the IE tab which is very useful in web development because IE is so slow when you open it.

i would use opera/firefox bout Minimo is slow and the mobile version of opera (which it claims to be free) actually isnt free and i like to have 1 browser between my PDA and PCs

firefox is fast and quick for developers

i would use opera/firefox bout Minimo is slow and the mobile version of opera (which it claims to be free) actually isnt free and i like to have 1 browser between my PDA and PCs

I can see why you might want to have the same browser on the both but seriously is it worth sticking with ie just so you can have the same bookmarks in both.

yes as i like to read and reply to daniweb threads at college

Is that on your PDA, that cool. Well done jbennet you are very comitted. I just use the nearest PC which isn't normally more than ten metres away. I can see why you would want to have the same browser for both.

i like pda as i can wander about the house and do msn too
it also has a vnc client and ssh client for linux admin purpiuses

IE doesn't follow the standards for browser response to certain tags or CSS attributes.

For example, the width attribute is supposed to include any margins, borders, and padding, so the entire size of the object and its accessories fits inside the width. IE puts these attachments outside the width, making the object wider than specified.

From a developers side that is probably one of the most annoying things. Obviously ff and even opera treat css tags better.

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