I recently upgraded my 2nd computer from Windows 98 to Windows XP, after doing this I was unable to make an internet connection (long story) so I uninstalled it, re-configured my Linksys Router, and got connected again.

HOWEVER, I can't browse the internet for more than 5 minutes, then it stops, PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED, but it's still connected, still gets email, but won't browse.

I've talked to Linksys, my IP and Microsoft, nobody seems to know what the problem is. I've tweaked the Router settings, re-installed the Network Adapter Driver and still the same problem.

Each time I reboot, I'm able to surf the net, but then within minutes nothing, PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED. It seems like it's some sort of memory issue or block (I don't have a firewall).

A colleague of mine suggested it could be an Internet Explorer issue, so I
downloaded Netscape and the same thing keeps happening.

Any ideas?

You still have email etc though? So your Internet connection isn't lost entirely, in other words? Also you said you're not using a firewall ... what about antivirus software? Are you using any other Internet-related software that might have some effect? (i.e. popup blocker, security protection, etc.)

Yeah, and have you checked for spyware? Sometimes spyware, or the removal of spyware, can have adverse effects on your web browsing.

no spyware, I think it's something to do with the IP address .. it shares a router with another computer with absolutely NO problems browsing, so I'm wondering if it's having a problem with the IP address .. any thoughts on changing the settings?

i have time warner road runner coming to their modem then thru a linksys broadband router

approximately every 3 - 5 minutes the internet will time out

checked with cable company verifying service is ok
disconnected and reconnected modem and router
ran spyware and removed issues

any thoughts on what the issue maybe

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