I tried to install the sims on my XP computer and for some reason Installshield wont run the setup, what is wrong?

have you run windows update recently?
theres occasionaly updates for windows installer

if you mean the sims2, it hates 64 bit and dual core cpus

have you run windows update recently?
theres occasionaly updates for windows installer

if you mean the sims2, it hates 64 bit and dual core cpus

Yes i did that didnt help....:sad: and its the sims 1

is there an error message or what? - what happens ezactly - does it not come up at all?

are you logged in as an administrator?
has the sims previously been installed on that mchine?
what os and hardware do you have?

is there an error message or what? - what happens ezactly - does it not come up at all?

are you logged in as an administrator?
has the sims previously been installed on that mchine?
what os and hardware do you have?

my op is xp and yes i have installed the sims before and the installsheild setup worked f9 and i do have administator rights ther is no error messege it just does not run, even if i click setup several times....

thats really wierd. do other applications that use installshield run fine?
if not installshield might be broken....

thats really wierd. do other applications that use installshield run fine?
if not installshield might be broken....

No, i have tried half to reinstall half my games and the installshield doesnt work! You know wer i cud fix it? :confused:

this happens sometimes. in my case installshield always gave me "unknown error"

there is software that can repair a broken installlshield but if that fails you may need to reinstall the OS

this happens sometimes. in my case installshield always gave me "unknown error"

there is software that can repair a broken installlshield but if that fails you may need to reinstall the OS

D u knw wer i can get this software?

..from installshield, naturally..
They want you to have it, instructions are there. Check your version number if you wish to get the same one [in program files\common files\]. Mine , XP home, is version 6, if that is any help.

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