
I've been using Windows Vista and I happened to forget my login password. Is there any way to restore password for me? My account is with admin rights, so I can't bypass login..

That was irresponsible of you.

try this software:

it isn't free, but i think the demo will let you use it for 30 days. It got included as part of my IT software package when i started my job, so i don't know for sure on that. but the software itself is easy to use, and will let you change even the admin password easily.

Have you tried to reset the password. If not try this, restart the PC and keep pressing F8 until you get the OS Choices menu, select "Safe Mode". when safe mode is loaded click on Administrator and It should go to the desktop but this depends if the Administrator account is enabled or it will not work and there are no known programs that can bypass userinit.exe in vista

I am currently in the process of testing it, but you can also build your own BartPE, with this as a plugin: http://www.kood.org/windows-password-renew/

it will reset passwords, and create new accounts that can have admin priviledges. I have an unconfirmed source that says it works with vista as well, but i have yet to try it myself.

The link i posted earlier for the password resetting program works like a charm on the two PC's I was able to test it on. I tested it on both machines with the admin accounts locked, and was able to get access to blank the passwords.

*note* DO NOT try and SET a password with this software, just leave the 'new password' entry blank. I'm not positive, but I can guess the program does not re-write the hash. It is much safer to leave it blank and change it the next time you logon.

hi i have this comp, and my dad is the admin and wont let me install anything or change anything, i want to have admin authority on it... but i cant do anyhting by installing

please help

its vista, and i have like no priveleges on it, my dad has to enter in his password for everything to isntall it so i cant ask him to install a password recovery thing


I'd first recommend you do some quick research. find out what version of vista you have on your computer. my guess is home basic, so I'll assume that bitlocker hasn't been enabled. If it has, you won't be able to get very far, and you'd have to resort to other methods of getting the password. (ex: watching him input the password, trying to find it written down somewhere, asking him very very nicely.)

The method I use is to use a PE disk with vista user manipulation plugins and make a new user with admin priviledges. I like BartPE, it has a pretty easy plugin interface, and there are plenty out there for it.
Once you have the secondary login, login regularly, and up your own accounts priviledges, login to your account, and delete the secondary one.

Make sure you research and follow the instructions closely, and you do need to install some software for BartPE, so you'll need to use a friends computer.


I'm afraid I have the same problem as GekkoAB, how irresponsible of me.

I created a password for my Vista admin account (which is the only user account on my laptop) just yesterday... and when I tried to sign in with it today, it turned out to be incorrect. I'm pretty sure I didn't forget the password overnight, but who knows.

Not sure if this is relevant or not, but after I created the password I also changed my username. Considering that it is still the same account, could that have affected anything?

The solutions and password reset softwares you posted are interesting, but will I be able to run the programs since I cannot log on to the computer at all?

Please help... :S

The solutions and password reset softwares you posted are interesting, but will I be able to run the programs since I cannot log on to the computer at all?

yes! the thing with BartPE, is that it is a pre-installed total enviornment. you burn it to a disk, and you hit f8, f2, (or whatever the first screen tells you to to access boot options, boot sequence, whatever it calls it. different versions call it different things) but there will be an option to boot from the cdrom. If burned properly, BartPE will load without a problem.

There are actually other options out there, but there is a problem. Basically, in XP, if you wanted your password back, and didn't know the administrator password, you'd load a special version of a pre-installed environment that had all of what are called 'rainbow tables'.

rainbow tables are quite possibly the most useful windows password cracking tools available. doesn't require you to change it at all, and you can easily access a users privatized files without them knowing about it.

The problem when it comes to vista though, they changed the default hash tables for system cracking. it used to be based off of an LM, or LAN Manager hashes. LM hashes are relatively weak compared to the new version: NTLM (New Technology LAN Manager. i know, not very inventive.) hashes, which is the usual method for storing passwords in vista, where LM hashes are disabled by default.

The thing that makes LM hashes easier to crack, is thier size. LM hashes are limited in size to 16 bytes, which lets us use rainbow tables that aren't that big. NTLM hashes are much more complex, with hashes of 64 bytes in size!

some quick math:
1 bit, two options
1 byte, 8 options of two options
16 bytes is 128 bits.
that's 2^128 total options.
64 bytes is 512 bits.
that's 2^512 total options.
16 bytes has an order of magnitude of 38.
64 bytes has an order of magnitude of 154!
that's ORDER OF MAGNITUDE. like 10^38 options.

basically, this means that 64 byte length hashes are a little out of the league of traditional rainbow tables. Possibly if you had a server farm at your disposal, or with distributed computing.

very long story short, your clearest option is using a preinstalled enviornment to wipe the password, or change it from another account. And be very glad that vista passwords are a lot harder to crack than XP ones.

find a password cracking software on the internet and use it to crack your password, then change your password and save it on the side so you don't forget it again.

Hi Dortz, i'm new to this so may be misunderstanding...but, you say:-

...you do need to install some software for BartPE, so you'll need to use a friends computer.

but the BartPE website says the following:-

...this means that the user may not use, for instance, a single license installation on one computer while simultaneously using a BartPE installation (created using that license) on another computer.

Does this not mean that you can only use the BartPE on the machine you created the disc on? (Unless of course you have a multi user license)?

Thanks for your advice so far :)

the important statment there is: 'Created using that liscence'

What they were referring to there was doing a 'slipstream' build. This is where you take the system files from the computer you are working on, NOT a standard, XP installation disk. If you use the OS installation disk that came with your machine, you will be able to use it on your machine legally.

If you have qualms about BartPE, I recommend Knoppix.

Thanks Dortz, much clearer.

So, so long as I use the original Install disk i'm fine. Is there a way of using the cd across many machines (ie. bailing out a different friend) doing it this way? Or is that already the case by having used the installation disk?

Aren't there some potential repercussions from using these programs?


Here's a documented a step by step solution here:

Hope this helps.



I've been using Windows Vista and I happened to forget my login password. Is there any way to restore password for me? My account is with admin rights, so I can't bypass login..

pls help

you'd better record your password somewhere

Aren't there some potential repercussions from using these programs?

If the program is freeware, than the only potential repercussion is that it might be illegal according to Windows to bypass their OS to change your password. But you don't need to worry about that. Nobody cares about changing your own password. So basically. . no

Format the PC...lolzz..
There's no other option better than this.!
Hassle free..lolzz...:D

You should not use passwords on the os full stop!
If you've got sensitive information then it should be backed up to a personal, lockable and removable storage device.

The reason for this is that the chumps who steal computers are about as thick as a brick S#1t house!

You should install ip tracking and remote access software, allow them free and unhindered access to yous os. and more than likely track the machine down!:twisted:

I hope the persons seaking to bypass passwords are not involved in skulldugery????? Watch out if you are, we'll be watching you:icon_eek: He he he

Send It and i will do it will do it for 20 bucks

Use PE Builder to make BartPE. There is a zip version that doesnt need installation but It will require Admin right to run it.

Have you tried to reset the password. If not try this, restart the PC and keep pressing F8 until you get the OS Choices menu, select "Safe Mode". when safe mode is loaded click on Administrator and It should go to the desktop but this depends if the Administrator account is enabled or it will not work and there are no known programs that can bypass userinit.exe in vista

i want to prevent being locked out of my comp and in safe mode in only comes up the one user account named BLAZER (mine) not pass protected and not intending to use one but if someone wanted to lock me out they could and i would have to system restore.... how do i get this mystery admin account to show up when in safemode

One free solution is to link your hard drive to another computer. You can change your password by booting from another computer. However this method might cause damage to your system if you did it wrong. A safe solutionis to boot from a bootable CD and then edit the registry windows\\system32\\config for password. I would recommend you to try it. They promise no-hassle refund if you can not get your work done.

Hi bebeliv,
Someone asked me to help them crack the password of your personal computer so I gave them a site so they could get into your computer and read all your personal information and then format the lot.
I hope you don't mine others using your machine.

Ctrl alt, dell

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