I start my New computer and every time it says boot ini failure before i get to the password screen. I have searched for the bios in hidden files on c. It shows a file but it cannot be opened.(it looks like it's going to show a black box but then does nothing) Anyway i believe it is causing me to have to reboot every 10 minuites because my computer fails to recognize the server after that amount of time. Very annoying and any valid assistance would be greatly appreciated.

It says boot.ini failure and then it still boots? The bios is unrelated to microsoft windows. What the bios is, is a setup screen which allows you to configure certain low-level hardware options related to your processor and motherboard. To get to it, there is a specific key you have to press when your computer first turns on - it's different for every computer (usual choices are F2, F8, Del, Esc)

Regardless, on first guess I would say your Windows boot.ini file is malformed. Check out the following website to edit your boot.ini file. What I would like you to do is open up your boot.ini and copy its contents here so I can see if it's okay looking. Something else to do is to check it yourself against the sample boot.ini provided on this site:


It says boot.ini failure and then it still boots? The bios is unrelated to microsoft windows. What the bios is, is a setup screen which allows you to configure certain low-level hardware options related to your processor and motherboard. To get to it, there is a specific key you have to press when your computer first turns on - it's different for every computer (usual choices are F2, F8, Del, Esc)

Regardless, on first guess I would say your Windows boot.ini file is malformed. Check out the following website to edit your boot.ini file. What I would like you to do is open up your boot.ini and copy its contents here so I can see if it's okay looking. Something else to do is to check it yourself against the sample boot.ini provided on this site:

Thank you. Yes my boot ini was malformed but now it is formed correctly. I vow to never see boot ini failure again.. Thanks again!!!

Marking as solved...


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