What are the IE7 add-ons that you couldn't live without, and why? You know the kind of thing, spell checkers, security utilities, search toolbars etc.

I guess ieSpell (because I type far too quickly, am always in a hurry, and often make fat finger mistakes as a result - and being a writer by trade it looks bad if my spelling sucks), IE7pro (for adding lots of little usability touches that Microsoft should have done itself) and McAfee SiteAdvisor (for the at a glance protection from dodgy websites it brings) would do it for me...

So, nobody uses IE7 add-ons at all then?

I need IE7 > add to favorites(alt+z) > drop down list control to be replaces by a tree view control because i scroll and look too much in my long list of favs, they are all collapsed like that.

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

Davey why not you use Firefox, IE 7 have lot of holes.

Well this is the only complaint i got on IE7, but it's a big nuissance, perhaps i will get firefox. It would be helpfull to know how could i hack that control into a tree view.

I installed FireFox, it has advanced bookmarking management but it doesn't show the bookmark icons wich is a big nono too. Someone should change that IE7 control, it can't be that hard for somone who worked on IE. A lot of angry people would be thankfull.

Sorry for triple port, an edit option would be nice though. Actually bookmark icons update after i use them but i found two other baddies in firefox.
No truetype font suport i could find and it doesn't display tooltips over the name of the bookmark so i can read URL. 2.5 actually for stuff that doesn't display right in firefox.

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

Hope you search add-ons on her official website.

i have a question relating to the ie7 favorites menu and quite frnkly i cannot find a create new thread link so here's as good a place as any.

in ie6 if i was surfing through my favorites on my favorites menu, which was quite long, when i wanted to go to the next link for surfing, i clicked on the favorites menu bar link and i was at the same point in the favorites menu.

in ie7, if i am looking at the last 10 favorites on my favorite menu and i navigate to one of those pages, see what i want to see and decide i want to look at the next favorite, when i click on the favorites menu I am back at the top of the favorites menu and must scroll down.

In addition, moving favorites around is a chore. if I add a favorite it is placed at the end of the list. Sometimes i want to move it closer to the top of my favorites for easy reference. In IE6, I can just drag it to the top and the favorites menu will continue to scroll until I get where I want it to go. in IE7 I can only drag the item to the top of the visible list, place it there, then scroll the list down and repeat the procedure.

1. What, if anything, am I doing wrong?
2. Do you have any fixes? or
3. Has Micrsoft made things just a little worse for us.

top of the page you were on when you clicked on the link to this thread , on the left ,yellow box says, Start New Thread .

i have a question relating to the ie7 favorites menu and quite frnkly i cannot find a create new thread link so here's as good a place as any.

in ie6 if i was surfing through my favorites on my favorites menu, which was quite long, when i wanted to go to the next link for surfing, i clicked on the favorites menu bar link and i was at the same point in the favorites menu.

in ie7, if i am looking at the last 10 favorites on my favorite menu and i navigate to one of those pages, see what i want to see and decide i want to look at the next favorite, when i click on the favorites menu I am back at the top of the favorites menu and must scroll down.

In addition, moving favorites around is a chore. if I add a favorite it is placed at the end of the list. Sometimes i want to move it closer to the top of my favorites for easy reference. In IE6, I can just drag it to the top and the favorites menu will continue to scroll until I get where I want it to go. in IE7 I can only drag the item to the top of the visible list, place it there, then scroll the list down and repeat the procedure.

1. What, if anything, am I doing wrong?
2. Do you have any fixes? or
3. Has Micrsoft made things just a little worse for us.

one of the reasons i don't use it ! i have ie6 installed and use firefox
actually i have it a test computer ,i will copy my favorites from the past 10 yrs to and see how it acts

I use FF, with no add-ons. I need a computer uncluttered with baggage.

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