I'm running on a custom built computer with an Intel Celeron CPU(2.53GHz) with 512(it says 504 because I rerouted more RAM into playing WoW) MB RAM and Windows XP Service Pack 2, and a few months ago I installed Photoshop CS2. It worked fine then, but then my mother and I swapped computers and CS2 got removed from this one and every time I try to re-install it, it comes up with an error that says

"Adobe Photoshop 8 cannot run on the current operating system."

even though all the system requirements are covered.

It should work, and I need it to work for my classes. Can someone help?

- Bekka

So are the specs listed for the computer in question?

So are the specs listed for the computer in question?

I do believe I wrote out the system specs in the first sentence of my post... unless you mean some other kind of specs? Although I did forget to mention the 80GB harddrive with 50GB free.


When you say it has 512 it says 504 because I rerouted more RAM how did you reroute the RAM?

Now do a search on your hard drive make sure the advanced search hidden files and subfolders are checked.

delete all traces of Photoshop CS2.

Then go to Start - Run type Regedit search your registry for Photoshop CS2 and delete all entries reboot and try reinstalling.

i think what he means is he has 512 and the Grahpics card uses 8mb. I got a thinkpad with 4mb graphics which gives it a usable ram of 124mb which is a pain as many apps cry not enough ram :(

i think what he means is he has 512 and the Grahpics card uses 8mb. I got a thinkpad with 4mb graphics which gives it a usable ram of 124mb which is a pain as many apps cry not enough ram :(

Indeed, that's what I meant... though I'm a "she", but that doesnt matter. My dad is going to try and fix the registry if that's the problem, so...yeah.


So we cleaned the registry and stuff, but there's still a problem. We thought it might be because of the graphics card we installed, so we tried installing it without the card enabled, but that didnt work, so we're rather at a loss here.

Something appears to be reporting the wrong operating system on my comp, telling CS2 that I dont have the right one or something...

does photoshop run on a celeron?

i know some games and cad applications etc... state that they require a good cpu

CS2 ran fine on this computer late last year before I installed the new NVidia graphics card and World of Warcraft, back when it was my mom's computer. I dont know what my mom did to it before giving it to me, but CS2 got removed and then it decided to not want to reinstall.

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