hey guys maybe some of you can help me out

last week i got a popup saying virus has been detected by avg. this hasnt happened in a while and i just as usual click move to virus vault. but the next day i run a scan and i find about 6 viruses. as i ran the scan the viruses were removed automatically. But the next day auto scan ran which is really unusual because it doesnt usually run scans opn its own unless theres a virus on the computer. But it detected another 6-5 viruses. and it has been going on until today. a virus everyday and all i have been doing is gaming on bf2.

information that mite be needed is that i use Avg free edition which is the latest version and i use Ad-aware SE personal for spyware.

yeah couple of things

Firstly: Is your computer running slowly?? It might be the copy of AVG, you might have gotten a "Prank" Version. Maybe not.

Secondly: Format C:, clean out you hard drive, start fresh

Thirdly: Personally, I am against free Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware, just because of the "You Get What You Pay For". I suggest buying a security suite, I use ZoneLabs Security Suite.

Hope this helps.....when you have a virus, using the A/V doesn't always help you out when you already have the virus, but can help you protect you from them.

try turning your restore of before u scan for virus .then delete virus rescan if clean turn restore back on.try avast.

try turning your restore of before u scan for virus .then delete virus rescan if clean turn restore back on.try avast.

don't be too quick to turn of restore a bad restore is better than no restore ,unless you don't care about doing a fresh windows reinstall that is

actually turning off restore is a good thing as if there viruses living in there theyll just reinfect his system again

Do you know what the name of the virus was? This will help in determining how to get go about getting rid of it.

I also disagree with Maui's recommendation to just wipe it clean and reinstall Windows. That's usually a last ditch thing to do.

Turn off System Restore before running the scan. Also, check your task manager for any unusual processes running. This may help determine what has infected your machine.

Have you recently downloaded any free software? Anything that might have malware bundled with it? If so, what?

So, find out what bug you got, determine what to do to get rid of it.

actually turning off restore is a good thing as if there viruses living in there theyll just reinfect his system again

not untill you do a system restore will they reinfest again ,so its recommended that you clean the drive first of all baddies , then turn off the restore and turn it back on .that way you at least have a bad restore to use if something should happen before you remove all nasties .!Therefor a bad restore is better than no restore !!

try using avast ,when you install avast it will ask you if you want to do a boot scan click yes its like scaning in safe mode plus it will tell what the virus is and where it is .maui_mallard could be right about your avg.hope this helps you .

Also look for the following:

1. Visiting the same infected website again (it could be one you have no reason to suspect).

2. Infected removable media which reinfect the computer whenever it is used.

3. Another computer on local net is infected.

4. An infected server or router.

5. A new file which mimics a virus and fools the scanner (I once had a .jpg file I created myself in an art program which matched a virus pattern in a McAfee program. But no other virus scanner found it. So I switched to Symantec.)

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