When ever i try to use Internet Explorer 6.0.29 i can't access any page it says that the page cannot be displayed, i think this may be something wrong with my internet connection or something because aim also cannot connect and my virus protection won't connect to update, but on top of all of this Mozilla still works fine so i don't know what the problem is ... please help.

Hello my friend!!

Please make sure that "WORK OFFLINE" is not checked..

Open IE and goto the FILE menu and if it IS checked,uncheck it :)

Good luck!

yea, thats not the problem i have no clue what is so any help would be awsome

Have you tried a system restore??

Sometimes restoring your registry fixs many things :)

Boot your computer and press and hold F8

When the menu comes up selec option 5 (Command Prompt)

When your @ the prompt type this: scanreg/restore

When you get the list choose one from BEFORE this started...

Good luck :)

Your ISP may be having problems.

Did you ever figure out what the problem was? I am having a problem connecting to IE but can connect to AOL. I can't figure out what is wrong. Keeps telling me I am not connected to the internet. I have even tried sending Pics from my HP image center and I can't it says the same thing internet not connected.But how am I getting to AOL? I am so Confused!

AOL uses proxy servers to connect to the network and IE tried to direct connect..

I believe you may have to tell IE to connect using AOLs proxies (Im not sure on that though)

Welcome to Daniweb :)


Please check and make sure "Work Offline" is not checked in IE :)

Thank you, Yeah I'm not sure what to do. I ahve Road Runner and I guess I could call them. The work offline is not checked. I feel like I haev checked everything. But something isn't right. It worked day before yesterday. Thank you !

I think guy should install some spell checker tools or daniweb can plugin a google spell checker to this areatext, because those post have to many spell error that make people who is not native speaker hardly to understand.

Any way, Proxy may be the reason for IE can not connect internet but Firefox can. Also is firewall which may be block IE but not Firefox.

Thank you, Yeah I'm not sure what to do. I ahve Road Runner and I guess I could call them. The work offline is not checked. I feel like I haev checked everything. But something isn't right. It worked day before yesterday. Thank you !

Try a system restore to 5 days ago (When it was working) That might work :)

Good luck!

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