I have vista ultimate edition and I can't watch movies in either IE7 or Firefox using media player 11, and I am wondering if there are any fixes to these problems.


Open Media Player. The default settings in Vista hide the menus; press ALT and F on the keyboard together to view the menus( File, View, Play, etc.) then click on Tools, then Options. Go to the Security tab and put a check in the box beside Run script commands and rich media streams when the player is in a web page. click Apply and/or OK

Hopefully that'll do it.

No that didn't work. Now I am downloading it, and reinstalling wmp to see if fixes it.

I have Windows Vista Home Premium and was able to view DVDs until a few days ago. Now there seems to be no definitive answer as to how to fix the problem. Any new ideas out there? Thanks..

try to restore your computer to before you did an update.

from what i have, after you update vista, your windows media player 11 wont work and sometimes IE7 and Mozilla Firefox wont work.

so restore your computer form before the update. hope it helps

Thanks, I tried that previously, but my computer is so new, there was nothing to restore it to. What I've ended up doing is downloading the free VLC media player from cnet.com and setting it as my default. It doesn't fix my problem with Windows Media Center/Player, but at least I can watch DVDs on my computer again, albeit not with WMP. I don't know that there are any other options to me unless I do a complete re-install from my computer's recovery disk and I really don't want to have to do that. Thanks for your advice.

When I click Tools then Options, the only option that shows is Burn. Any ideas on how to get my options back?

I have a brand new comp with vista 11 on it. I transfered all of music files to the new comp and everytime I play a song-it doesn't matter which-there's a skipping/buffering problem at the end of the song. And I definately didn't have this problem before. Is there anything I can do?

so i have the same problem with my computer, every song on the last 20 sec. it skips

No that didn't work. Now I am downloading it, and reinstalling wmp to see if fixes it.

I'm having problems w/ WMP11 too (Vista Premimum). My ripped CD and playlist are no longer importing to library...just in music fold. Did reinstalling solove you're issue and did you first uninstall (don't see player in add/remove)? Or did you just reinstall over what's there? Thanks for your help

so i have the same problem with my computer, every song on the last 20 sec. it skips

Any one experiencing sound problems with WMP 11, (music takes too long to load, skippes every last 20 sec.) follow this..

1. control panel
2. go to sound
3. click on the headphones/speakers
4.click enhancements
5.put a check into the "disable all enhancements"

and ther you go :)

Any one experiencing sound problems with WMP 11, (music takes too long to load, skippes every last 20 sec.) follow this..

1. control panel
2. go to sound
3. click on the headphones/speakers
4.click enhancements
5.put a check into the "disable all enhancements"

and ther you go :)

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!

does that mean it worked for you !!

right sounds to me like a codec problem download gspot (nothing to do with porn)


It will enable you to open the file and will then check to see if your comp has the correct codec installed.

But i would strongly recomend that you download a codec package google it you will find loads.

If this doesn't work download vlc media player its a universal media player that will play literally everything and anything is one hundred times better than windows media player. If you do decide to do it set it as your default media player you can do this in control pannel if you need any more help or if this doesnt work.

I have Windows Vista Home Premium and was able to view DVDs until a few days ago. Now there seems to be no definitive answer as to how to fix the problem. Any new ideas out there? Thanks..

try the following:
I have windows vista home premium.
I could not view any video in wmp 11 but I had sound.
I went into my registry and found that entries relating to wmp 11 was not accessible.

had to manually check all of them within regedit

click on entry in registry, click ok on error, right click on entry, choose permissions, click ok on warning message

(-noticed there are no permissions specified and no owner specified.)

click on advanced, click ok on warning message, go to owner tab, specify administrators group as owner, apply, ok
click add, everyone group, allow full control.

After i had done this could see video and all visualizations in wmp11.

I do not know what was the cause, maybe a other software or a registry cleaner? don't know...?

would you please explain a little more?

i seem to be having the same problem...some videos only play sound but no video...and i cant seem to find the place in the registry that you are talking about...

the only solution i have found is to use VLC Player...It works for every video...

would you please explain a little more?

i seem to be having the same problem...some videos only play sound but no video...and i cant seem to find the place in the registry that you are talking about...

the only solution i have found is to use VLC Player ...It works for every video...

I opened Regedit ( windows registry editor)
click on windows start button, type in regedit in search box, open regedit.

open the following location open computer, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, MICROSOFT, MEDIAPLAYER.

ok, if you click on any entry under the mediaplayer node and it states an error that you cannot access that entry you probably have the same problem. This error occurs because there is no owner specified and no permissions specified for that entry.

What i did was the following:
I clicked on all the entries, and if the error popup appears, i clicked ok on error message (it is the only choice one have)
Then right clicked on same entry, then it will display menu, click on permissions.
A warning message pops up - cannot remember what it said.
just enter or click ok to close message.

now you should see permissions window in front of you.

Another warning appears between these two windows. click "ok"

ahh...ok, thanks...i got confused what to do after i get the error message...

anyway i did everything, set the owners and permissions...and restarted the computer and it still doesnt work...

it has to do with the codec...if you dont have the right codec, like the DivX codec installed, windows media player wont play DivX movies...

ahh...ok, thanks...i got confused what to do after i get the error message...

anyway i did everything, set the owners and permissions...and restarted the computer and it still doesnt work...

it has to do with the codec...if you dont have the right codec, like the DivX codec installed, windows media player wont play DivX movies...

So you got errors? Did you went through all the entries and sub entries under mediaplayer?
I had many entries with permission errors...

Do you have sound but no video when playing dvd's? Can you play a movie in any other format, like *.mpg or *.wmv?

try downloading and installing K-Lite Codec Pack 3.7.5 Full

nope...no errors...i went through all entires and sub entries...i had many too...aside from like 2 or 3 of them, all entires showed errors when i clicked on them...

i installed K-Lite codec pack...4.1.7 Full...and when i play the movies, it opens with media player classic, and it works...but when i launch it with windows media player, no video, just sounds...

ill just use classic and vlc player....media player is messed up for newer videos...

btw...one movie i cant play is .avi format...i tried getting the AVI Codec, and tried 2 websites, and got like 5 trojan viruses from every website...so i just left it...

I have a brand new comp with vista 11 on it. I transfered all of music files to the new comp and everytime I play a song-it doesn't matter which-there's a skipping/buffering problem at the end of the song. And I definately didn't have this problem before. Is there anything I can do?

Brother.. even i have the same problem, i bought a brand new comp with Vista Home Premium in it, with which i got WMP version11, when i play any song in my hard drive, either mp3 or any other file.. it is getting stuck up at just few seconds b4 the song ends...

Please let me know any body got a solution for this..


Brother.. even i have the same problem, i bought a brand new comp with Vista Home Premium in it, with which i got WMP version11, when i play any song in my hard drive, either mp3 or any other file.. it is getting stuck up at just few seconds b4 the song ends...

Please let me know any body got a solution for this..


Can you play the same files with another application like winamp or i-tunes without problems.
When you say "getting stuck up" what do you mean, After getting stuck up can you continue using windows media player or is it freezing / not responding ?
Did you try installing the k-lite codec pack?

I have found in the past that by either re-installing my sound card drivers or updating them from my vendor my media player problems get corrected.

nope...no errors...i went through all entires and sub entries...i had many too...aside from like 2 or 3 of them, all entires showed errors when i clicked on them...

i installed K-Lite codec pack...4.1.7 Full...and when i play the movies, it opens with media player classic, and it works...but when i launch it with windows media player, no video, just sounds...

ill just use classic and vlc player....media player is messed up for newer videos...

btw...one movie i cant play is .avi format...i tried getting the AVI Codec, and tried 2 websites, and got like 5 trojan viruses from every website...so i just left it...

Another good codec pack to try out is the CCCP or Combined Community Codec Pack . You can find them on the web and download the pack from their site. I have never encountered any trojans from this their site. The also offer a file called the CCCP Insurgent . It scans your computer and finds all the codec packs already installed if there are any and if they are corrupted . It gives you the option to uninstall them before you install a new pack. As a further note I have also come across a warning from my virus program that there is some sort of password protected file in the K- Lite series of codec packs that upon further scans shows up as a trojan . I don't know if this is true or not but it has stopped my from installing this pack many times. The author does not have his own site as far as I know, the files are held on a codec repository site. The K-Lite series of codecs is one of the only ones to have that password protected file . One has to wonder why?
As for some of the other problems here with not being able to play videos, I suspect some of it may have to do with the Usage Rights Management files. If they become corrupted, much of what you may have downloaded would be unplayable by Media Player. Also some file are set to expire after a certain amount of time, and may be unplayable for good unless they are re-downloaded. This is to do with DRM in Windows Vista. I hope this helps someone out or at least gives them an idea where to start with their problem .
Regards , and Best Wishes. :)

Windows media player opens and I can't shut it down. I have closed it by clicking the red X, clicking file and then exit, thru task manager. I went in and denied all permissions. Still once it opens no matter how I close it it re-opens and won't let you do anything else. It always pops to the front and won't let you do anything else. Even when it's minimized it won't let you do anything.
Any suggetions?

I have Vista Home Premium, and sometimes when I want to skip songs, it just stops playing. So I have to keep a youtube video up to get it playeding again, any suggestions?

So I have to keep a youtube video up to get it playeding again, ?



My media player sometimes stops playing songs and then I have no sound on my laptop at all, so I keep a youtube video up thatbrings back the sound.

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