
Here's my situation and it's confusing me as to what i need to do to get the proper end result.

I have a linksys router but all the spots are used because i have like 5 computers all around the house. I'm going to get a wireless router eventually but i need a temporary solution.

I have two cat 5 ethernet wires running into my room but i have 3 computers in here. What i figured was that i could put two ethernet cards in one computer connect one card to the router and then share that connection with one of the others. Then use the other cable on the last computer. Henceforth having all computers connected.

The problem is that i just installed two ethernet cards as i said i was and im trying to share the connection but i cant seem to get it to work.

i've almost tried all tutorials but the way they illustrate the process leads me to belive thats its not possible for me to do what im thinking.

Again i have a router but its full and i'm trying to share the connection of one computer which is connected to the router with another one which has an ethernet card in it and is connected to the former using cat5e patch cable.

i've followed almost all the tutorials on google and have searched the microsoft knowledge databse but having yet been able to get this work.

Any help will be much appreciated.

p.s the router is connected to the cable modem.

You will have to either break down and get the wireless router or buy another router to do what you are trying to do.a wireless router has 4 ports.you can't piggy back the computers the way you are trying with 1 router.you will have to get another router and hook it in line.I know why but just can't explain it.

yea i've somewhat come to this conclusion after pulling my hair out all night and trying to get it to work.

LOL sorry Bud sometimes this stuff can just right out drive you nutty can't it.

if you do get a wireless router change the log in on it and setup a WAP security not WEP.

Also go with linksys.

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