help!! my computer keeps rebooting on startup most of the time!
asus p5ld2-vm mobo
2 gb of ram
2 x 250 gb western digital hard drive
dvd-rw drive
floppy drive

when i'd look into the event log, id get application errors such as faultng application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting module shell32.dll


What OS you running?

help!! my computer keeps rebooting on startup most of the time!
asus p5ld2-vm mobo
2 gb of ram
2 x 250 gb western digital hard drive
dvd-rw drive
floppy drive

when i'd look into the event log, id get application errors such as faultng application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting module shell32.dll


mateayt8es8s its menna do dat, comps are made to weboot demselfs,
if not working still just reboot ur comp prolly jiust bugged dats all

I would say try booting into safe mode then insert the windows disk that came with your pc. Then use the auto repair function on it. Another useful thing is the restore feature if you know when the problem began restore to befor that point. There are many things that could be wrong but these are two techniques that have worked for us in the past. If this doesnt work repost and ill see what else we can do. Good luck

You can also try using system file check. You will need to be in normal mode of windows(non-safe mode) and then insert your windows xp disk. From a command prompt, run sfc /scannow This will scan all windows files and replace any corrupt or damaged ones with the correct version. Another option you might want to try is to install SP2 over your current installation, as this will replace all those key files. Both of these options have worked in getting a system displaying the symptoms you describe to work again.

I would say try booting into safe mode then insert the windows disk that came with your pc. Then use the auto repair function on it. Another useful thing is the restore feature if you know when the problem began restore to befor that point. There are many things that could be wrong but these are two techniques that have worked for us in the past. If this doesnt work repost and ill see what else we can do. Good luck

Good Morning:

I believe you may be experiencing problem which I just fixed on my PC.

On start-up, I would get this "weird" message about not having an official copy of WinXP. Then it would go into a "rolling boot" sequence, followed by hang time on the "Windows is Starting up"

Okay. Found out it was a virus. You need to start you PC in Safe Mode. Hold down the F8 key (usuallyCOMPAQ and Hewlett Packard) or the Function Key that takes you to that window.

From that point, if possible, Start the computer using SAFEMODE with NETWORKING.

This give you the bare bones of your OS without all of the other "stuff" that comes when you start in NORMAL MODE.

Now, you are going to need to do one and possible both of the next solutions.

1. Get a copy of "HiJack This". (...I know the name seems scary, but I felt the same way also...)

Run "HiJack This" and save the copy to a file. The file will contain much information about the reqistry and system files etc. Now, from my experiences, the culprit is usually aways lurking somewhere in the Registry. Which means you will have at somepoint have to use REGEDIT from the RUN option on the START menu.

:!: :!: WORD OF CAUTION:!: :!:

I have learned that, when you go into Registry Edit, you need to REALLY know what entries you need to delete. So from this point, I would recommend or ask for input from other members here, as I am not fully sure how you would spot the erroneous/malicious entries from the NORMAL ones. There is a site that I use when I encounter this level of detail. It is This is a very helpful site devoted to virus/malware and spyware removal. I am sure you will find additional information there.

2. Get on the net, get AdaWare, download it, run it. This will disclose alot of stuff that my be lurking on you system. Next get to your antivirus site, MacAfee, Norton....etc.

Run the antivirus processes, whichever one you use. While it might not be able to remove it. More times than not, the culprit will be identified.

Well, I hope this helps as much as possible!


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