Can u help in solving windows XP problem of

STOP:0x0000000A (0x0000000a,0X0a310031,0X0000000,0X8081c63c).
I can't able to enter on XP its stops and try to change the RAM but did't worked. I change with a new HDD and installed a new copy on XP it's working fine now. But is this problem solved or it will come up again

Did you upgrade from and earlier version of windows to XP before installing a new copy of XP?

Normally this Error is due to hardware or device driver failure.escpecially when a upgrade has been done.

Here is the link to troubleshooting the 0x0000000A error from Microsoft.

No I did't upgrade windows to XP. I think i tried some drivers upgrade, but not sure. But anyway it is fine now if problem comes again I will let u now, thanks a lot.

I got the link usefull

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