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Hi Every1

This is my Computer Configuration

Mainboard : Asus A7V400-MX
Chipset : VIA KM400
Processor : AMD Athlon MP @ 1333 MHz
Physical Memory : 512 MB (2 x 256 DDR-SDRAM )
Video Card : VT82C570 MV IDE Controller KM400 Graphics Adapter

Network Card : VT82C570 MV IDE Controller VT6102 Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter

Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2

Bios : Phoenix Technologies, LTD

My question is What is a boot-disk and how can i create one?


if you have the winxp pro cd ,then you have a boot disk ,as it is one!

Member Avatar for kiamzattu

Hi Caperjack

I don have a winXP pro CD...
So how do i create 1? and what exactly is Boot-Disk.. does it ha somethin 2 do with BIOS ?


Hi Caperjack

I don have a winXP pro CD...
So how do i create 1? and what exactly is Boot-Disk.. does it ha somethin 2 do with BIOS ?


no it does not have anything to do with the BIOS,it is for booting you computer when you have problems ,so you can troubleshoot the problem,or reinstall winxp,how to create one is another story .you can get files to make a 6 set of floppy boot disk for winxp pro at

anand, very simply, a boot disk passes a little bit of code to BIOS so that BIOS gives control over to the OS that is on the boot may be DOS, Recovery Console [very limited OS unless tweaked], Linux, even XP as caperjack pointed out. It does not have to be a disk, or floppies, it can be an external hd or a thumb drive..
If you would like one now is certainly the time to make it when your sys is working fine. Here is a canned speech I gave someone else...
Because you may not be in possession of an Xp install CD, here's a boot disc with a recovery console on it; the console runs from the cd so you don't need an xp cd or any files from your C drive. I know it works. All you need is an image burner like Nero 6, CD Writer...
Tips... unzip the file to get the iso and then BURN THE IMAGE. Do not use Data CD or any other mode cos all you will get is a copy of the iso [which you have already...and your new CD will not be bootable]; if you look at the files on your new cd and see .iso mentioned anywhere, start over. If you use Nero 6 then the defaults for image burning are fine, skip the silly advice that you may find on the web. Burn it to a CD-RW if you wish; there is no need to close/finalise the CD whether it is a RW or R, cos later you may wish to add other good files. Multisession works fine. If you use a CD-R then hold the burn speed lowish, say 4x.
May i leave you to work out what to do with recovery console? Ask if you really need help...
I suggest you try it with a RW for fun.... you will notice when you use it [practice, test] that it loads up just like windows setup - well, that is what recovery console is, a stripped version of xp.

Member Avatar for kiamzattu

Hey thank u all for ur replies My doubt is cleared. Repz Added

to create a boo disk :
1- insert the disk
2- right click on disk driver icon
3- click format
4- chick start up option
5- start
if u restart your computer start up disk will
enable u log on DOS , this will be helpful
if u want 2 reforamt tour hard disk or control
your files without os.

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