I was hoping someone could provide a solution. I have a Alienware PC I upped to windows VISTA with 2 SATA hard drives in raid configuration. Those work fine, but I also have a Maxtor data drive on a Promise SATA150 TX2 controller that is just not working right. It recognizes the drive fine, but when I go to transfer files, it takes foreever like drive access is messed up. Of course there are no new drivers for the Promise controller, so I have no where to go there. I have an Abit AV8 motherboard. Any hints will be appreciated as I am about to kick my box.

What is your system RAM?
RAM and the CPU speed determine how fast your computer operates.

2GB. I doubt ram has much to do with it. Its just the one hard drive that is having issues. The 2 sata drives that run off the motherboard controller seem fine.

Are you sure that you have set one of the hard-drives as 'master' and the other as 'slave'?

you dont with sata drives do you? They all auto set as 0 and there are no jumpers on Sata drives.

I was hoping someone could provide a solution. I have a Alienware PC I upped to windows VISTA with 2 SATA hard drives in raid configuration. Those work fine, but I also have a Maxtor data drive on a Promise SATA150 TX2 controller that is just not working right. It recognizes the drive fine, but when I go to transfer files, it takes foreever like drive access is messed up. Of course there are no new drivers for the Promise controller, so I have no where to go there. I have an Abit AV8 motherboard. Any hints will be appreciated as I am about to kick my box.

I bought a new Dell XPS410 with Vista. It had the same problem with very slow disk access. After fifteen hours on the phone with Dell running numerous diagnostics, re-imaged the hard drive, etc. etc., all to no avail, we were both so frustrated that they told me to pack it up and ship it back for a full refund. I was disappointed, but I bought a desktop from another company and made sure it had XP Professional instead of Vista. Microsoft shouldn't have released a BETA version of an operating system. Shame on them! Get rid of Vista and your problems will be over!

Make sure your data HDD is jumpered to be limited to 150/s as that is what the controller is. If you have a 300/s unjumpered you will have substancial issues.

why u askin about ram???? Jesus what a time waster! I have fuckin 16GB running on RAID, also changed disk, tried ahci, ide and still drops under 20MB/s, yes yes i have intel core I7!

commented: Congratulations resurrecting a five year old thread to post this drivel. -4

why u askin about ram???? Jesus what a time waster! I have fuckin 16GB running on RAID, also changed disk, tried ahci, ide and still drops under 20MB/s, yes yes i have intel core I7!

hi, talk about a wast of time ,responding to a 4 year old thread ,good day

Are you with too many things?

Are you with too many things?

yes thats it ,wonderful you solved it ,and ,maybe even world hunger

Windows 7 and I noticed that it is not the optimal speed hard drive, I think is the problem of SATA configured as RAID in BIOS and then the windows must be installed but pin sata driver put on master or slave as required. The fact is that I did not manage too many still seek a solution ..

Windows 7 and I noticed that it is not the optimal speed hard drive, I think is the problem of SATA configured as RAID in BIOS and then the windows must be installed but pin sata driver put on master or slave as required. The fact is that I did not manage too many still seek a solution ..

Hey, I see you are new here.
Have a look at the date that the OP (Original Poster) had his problem. You can do this by looking at the info in the sidebar of the first post.

This thread is 5 years old. The guy either fixed his problem and never told us so, or he just gave up.

Besides, I am sorry to say that your translation into english makes almost no sense at all.

hopefully I think I can even translate it for you (in case someone else finds this thead while looking for help):

I noticed that Windows 7 reported that the Drive was not running at it's optimal speed.
i think the problem is that Sata must be configured as RAID in the BIOS and then have Windows installed. The Jumper pins on the SATA drive must also be set correctly.

I did not know this, but figured it out, and I hope it helps someone else.

I hope that I got that right. If not - oh well, I tried.

And stop trying to solve a dead thread.

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