Hi, my specs: WinXP sp1.
1GB DDR ram
Cicero computer (don't know the model #)
ATI RADEON 9800 pro 128mb

hope that's enough. Here's the problem:

I recently upgraded from an 8500 LE to my 9800 pro. I'm not sure if that is the problem or not, because my computer would crash before too. It seems to only crash during games, ANY game it seems, although just today after it crashed to desktop it rebooted itself a few seconds later. I said WTF?!?! Another new symptom I've noticed is that whenever it hangs, (i forgot to mention it's hanging alot too, mostly in games) and I reboot I get a message on my desktop saying that windows has temporarily disabled Active Desktop. I never got that message before. That's all I can think to mention at the moment. I was talking to a guy about this and after asking me some questions suggested that my registry is possibly screwed up. Would that cause these symptoms? So do I really need to go about the task of reinstalling windows? Any help is much appreciated.

Sorry I have one more related question: I just dowloaded registry mechanic that was advertised on this site. The trial version found 512 errors in my registry!!! Is this program worth buying? Anyone?

There are plenty of free ones you could try first if you liked.

Well that sounds similar to the problem I had. You can read my thread and see if suggestions anyone had there might help, although I do not think it was my registry.

Quick question, be honest...do you play copied games? Like ones you downloaded off peer to peer programs? If you do, those f-up your registry like cookie monster hitting a bag of nestle tool house cookies!

Where's your thread? I'm sure I'll find it eventually.... And no, I don't play copied games. The games I'm having problems with are all games I bought. And gotten the lastest patches for. I did have Kazaa for awhile though and I can see what it's done to my registry even though I don't have it anymore.

Where's your thread? I'm sure I'll find it eventually.... And no, I don't play copied games. The games I'm having problems with are all games I bought. And gotten the lastest patches for. I did have Kazaa for awhile though and I can see what it's done to my registry even though I don't have it anymore.

This is the thread, sorry bout that. And yeah I used to/still do on occasion download and play games (hey I am a little sick of paying $50 for hyped up 8 hour long games, buts that a different disscusion) and they mess up your reg. Good luck, my problem ended up being a faulty power supply!

Thanks for the help! One question though... Were your lockups/crashes the whole system crashing or just crashing to desktop? My problems are predominantly in games where I usually CTD or more recently, lockup but my computer doesn't reboot itself. very often.

One more Q: I was looking over that google seach someone posted above for the free registry cleaners, can someone suggest a really good one? They all seem to be shareware and I'm just curious to what people here would recommend.

One last note, I used to think that this problem could be caused by overheating and so I would remove a side panel from my comp and point a fan at it. It seemed to reduce the crashes but I was still having them. It was probably my imagination.

Pitufo, use Google itself to research the programs available for download. Try < programname download > to find a download site, and < programname review > to find comments and criticisms of it.

You can even get more creative and use things like < programname crash > or <programname problems > to uncover even more user feedback. Don't rely on the word of just one person for your decisions. And don't forget, just because a program is shareware or freeware doesn't necessarily mean it's secondrate. And conversely, just because a program is a commercial package doesn't necessarily mean it's good!

Hi, my specs: WinXP sp1.
1GB DDR ram
Cicero computer (don't know the model #)
ATI RADEON 9800 pro 128mb

hope that's enough. Here's the problem:

I recently upgraded from an 8500 LE to my 9800 pro. I'm not sure if that is the problem or not, because my computer would crash before too. It seems to only crash during games, ANY game it seems, although just today after it crashed to desktop it rebooted itself a few seconds later. I said WTF?!?! Another new symptom I've noticed is that whenever it hangs, (i forgot to mention it's hanging alot too, mostly in games) and I reboot I get a message on my desktop saying that windows has temporarily disabled Active Desktop. I never got that message before. That's all I can think to mention at the moment. I was talking to a guy about this and after asking me some questions suggested that my registry is possibly screwed up. Would that cause these symptoms? So do I really need to go about the task of reinstalling windows? Any help is much appreciated.

i would try getting all the possible updates, then checking the logging done by windows to see what made them crash. it seems you have a fairly powerful computer but i dont know if a buissness made it for you. i have some tips for you

1 update all drivers
2 make sure you installed videocard right
3 make sure that your bios and your vid card are running the right setting to be compadible ( set the ammount of vidram to the ammount equal to your computer)
4 isolate the problem to be either software or hardware
5 install antivirus and then spyware cleaner.
6 defrag harddrive
7 see if the card is overclocked at all (if it is, then slow it down a little)

Ok, thx! But 2 questions:

1: Is vidram the same as AGP setting in the bios? i.e. 64M, 128M, etc?? if not, I'm not sure I've ever seen a setting to change that in my BIOS. Pls elaborate.

2: How can I check the logging that windows does? The events thing in the administrative tools? I check that and nothing ever shows up.


I'd suggest you don't need to change the AGP setting in BIOS.

The setting is for 'Aperture' size, which is the bandwidth allocated to communication between the graphics processor on your vid card and your system memory. Your card doesn't use it, because it has its own video RAM, and doesn't need to use system memory. Leave the setting as it is!

With a Radeon card, however, there are two settings which might prove helpful for you. Find the setting for 'AGP Fast Writes' and if it is set to 'Enabled', then change it to 'Disabled'. Radeon cards often don't handle AGP Fast Writes very well. Also you could try setting your system to use an AGP bus setting of AGP 4x instead of AGP 8x. It will make no effective difference to performance, and may help stabilise your system.

You should also ensure you are using the most up to date motherboard chipset drivers, display card drivers, and DirectX versions available, and also download and install any update patches available for the games you have installed.

Thx, actually I did change my AGP aperture size from 256M (which I did notice improvement on my 8500 LE) to 128M. The game seems to work now! Although I do still get some crashes. As for the 8X and 4X my motherboard only supports 4X.

Hey, I got this message from UBISOFT tech support:


You are running beta sound drivers. Please goto to the SiS web site
(www.sis.com) and update to the latest retail sound drivers. Also head to
www.ati.com and install the Catalyst 4.7 drivers. Also, disable any virtual
drive software (%120 alcohol, demon tools, clone cd, nero, etc) as it will cause
crashing in this game. Update the firmware on your LG DVDROM drive from the LG
web site as well.

My only question is how can I make sure my nero software is disabled???

Usually nero will be running in the taskbar (lower right side by the clock) you should be able to right click on it and select close, exit, shutdown or something to that affect. To be sure it is disabled check your task manager to see if it is still running in the background.

ok i nuked nero right off my hard disk. One more question: how do i update my firmware for my LG dvd-rom?

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