can anyone please help, ive just upgraded to win 2000 from win 98, i had a second hard drive which i used for all my media files & i compressed it using drivespace 3, i cant access this hd without mounting it 1st but i need drivespace 3 to do this, any ideas?

DriveImage 3 is a pretty old version, no? If you're using the NTFS file system with Win2k, make sure drive image has support for it.

That's the first thing. Second thing is, why can't you access the hard drive without mounting it?? I'm sorta confused. I've only mounted filesystems in linux? Not windows?

i dont think u can get drivespace for 2000, i was hoping there would be another way, when i open the drive there is a readme file as follows:

This disk was compressed using DriveSpace 3, which requires Windows 98.

To use this disk, you must first mount it. To mount it:

1. Run DriveSpace by choosing Run from the Windows 98 Start menu,
and then typing DRVSPACE.

2. In DriveSpace, click the drive that contains this disk,
click the Advanced menu, and then click Mount.

(If this file is located on a drive other than the physical drive
that contains the disk, then the compressed drive is already mounted).

To automatically mount all available compressed drives, click the
Advanced menu, click Settings, and then check the "Automatically mount
new compressed drives" box.

IMPORTANT: To mount and use this compressed disk, you must be running
Windows 98.

If you had win95 running in VMware you could
probably add that drive to it's configuration
and share the files that way....

Awful long workaround, though, VMware does have
trial downloads I think.

Go here -->
To register for a 30 day evaluation number
Then go Here --->
to download VMware workstation 4 for win2k

1)Download and install workstation4...
2)Create a new virtual machine for win95 operating system, paying attention to make sure you can share files with 2k.
(see vmware help if need be... fairly straighforward though)
3)Install win98 on virtual drive with drvspace3. Install VMware tools (might be optional)
4) shut down virtual pc and edit profile. ADD your compressed drive as a physical volume to your virtual pc setup.
5) boot virtual 98 and start copying files

Better have enough harddrive space for all those files. This is
too wonkey of a workaround to use on a daily basis.

VMware also uses a LOT of ram

If I had a compressed drive (or 95 around) I'd try it out...but
it should work just fine that way.

and you don't have access to another drive
Shrink the partition size with partition magic or
another partition program that handles NTFS volumes.

Shrink it small enough so that the empty space will fit the UNCOMPRESSED files
on that compressed drive
Create a new partition FAT32.

Create a win98 boot disk and add drvspace.sys to
the config.sys.

Boot the disk and you should be able to see both the
(formatted) FAT32 partition and your compressed partition.
Unless there's more to accessing a compressed drive from a
boot floppy? (prolly check Microshaft site for that info)

Copy the files across.

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