right boys and girls, could do with some help ASAP here

working on a PC and when i come to defreg the HDD through windows defragger it stops and comes up with this error

'the scan has been cancelled because an error occured on file: c:\windows\systems32\temppf.sys'

does anyone have a clue what the problem could be?

ok problem sorted ran sfc/scannow, and also ran a system scandisk seems to be defragging fine now

One thing you could always try is booting the computer in safe mode.

right boys and girls, could do with some help ASAP here

working on a PC and when i come to defreg the HDD through windows defragger it stops and comes up with this error

'the scan has been cancelled because an error occured on file: c:\windows\systems32\temppf.sys'

does anyone have a clue what the problem could be?

Hi mate,

That could be a page file error, this can be solved in the windows registry at:

CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\
Memory Management

you can up the size of the pagefile:

C:\pagefile\pagefile.sys 128 256
The 128 is the minimum pagefile size and 256 is the maximum.

however only try if you are comfotable with using registry editor, but try running defrag at bootup first.

Dazza :cool:

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