When using IE, some of the sites, i.e. Yahoo Mail, render themselves with HTML showing. The page is general disoriented. I have to keep refreshing the page until the signon boxes in in the proper place on the screen before the signon is accepted. After refreshing the page keeps changing, until eventually it looks OK. So in other words it is not always wrong the same way.

I have no way of uninstalling IE. I have unistalled IE 6 service pack 1, this does not completely uninstall IE though. Then I reapply the service pack and still have problems.

I receive an alert icon on the bottom of the screen, stating either Errors on Page or Done, but with errors on page.

Then I installed Netscape 7.1 and I have the same problems.

I use Comcast and even their home page does not render itself correctly in either browser.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hmmm, weird stuff. If you're using WinXP... you're right, IE is a core component, and not really uninstallable.

Maybe try flushing the TCP/IP stack with:

netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

from a command prompt. It prolly won't work, it's kind of a Hail Mary.

My favorite resolve: Format and reinstall! :D

If IE is not working properly, then why not try to have other browsers, like chrome and Firefox. I usually use firefox for Comcast internet. It is definitely working fine. You can download firefox for free using this site, http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/products/download.html :) Just a suggestion. Trying will not hurt you

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