
I got a laptop HP/Compaq NP6000 in an auction.
Now when I try to login I can see that it has windows professional (ofcourse I was told by the seller about this..) However, the admin password is something I am not aware of... ans unfortunately I am unable to reach out the seller.

I am not worried about the data in the hard drive. Is there a was to format/ cleanup everything in the laptop and make use of it ?

OR there is no way to use a laptop for which I do not know the admin password.

Note : The userid and password (normal user & not admin) that was given to me by the seller is also no longer working..

Additional details:
Software installed in the laptop XP Professional & Office 2003
I myself have both of these CDs with me. So even I lose all from my HDD I can reinstall everything.

Please help me out with some ideas or procedure by which I can fix the issue and make use of the system

hello,if its a windows user password and not a BIOS password ,do this ,hitting f8 on boot up to get safe mode ,click on administrator account ,then go to users in control panel ,and click on the user with the password ,click on to remove password ,if this doesn't work try creating a new user .

Hi dear,
There are several tricks to obtain passwords and even change it.
you can change your pass with Hirens boot cd or other software called passwords reseter.
I hope this will be helpful.

Hi. If all else fails try going to http://www.ecovery.com
Good luck!

Yeah that's really good but if you want rapid way use that MD5 Hash in plain-text and get password more fast.
Have Fun

* cd080802.zip (~3MB) - Bootable CD image
* cd080526.zip (~3MB) - Previous release, Bootable CD image
* bd080526.zip (~1.4M) - Bootdisk image
* drivers1-080526.zip (~310K) - Disk drivers (mostly PATA/SATA)
* drivers2-080526.zip (~1.2M) - Disk drivers (mostly SCSI)


tested 100% okay!

According to the Microsoft support webpage it suggests you need a reset disk or if you are not the main administrator on the computer then you may need to reinstall windows, which can defintely be a pain!

As far as password key goes I have a couple friends who use and they have yet to have any complaints about it...so it could be worth a try but until you find out if that works for sure I would put the password somewhere safe possibly in a notepad on your cellphone or on a sticky note somewhere hidden near the computer that you won't forget about. Good luck!

Hi subaash,
Don't worry man its very easy if you have another administrator account.
Just open the control panel and click Administrative tools. Now click Computer Management. A new window will appear, in the left panel of this new window expand "Local Users and Groups" and then click Users. Now in Right Panel of the same window you will see the account of "Administrator", Right click over the Administrator and select set password to enter new password.

You are done.

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