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this is my first post so i hope its usefull
and im gonna provide you guys alot of nice tweaks i tried

other than the boring ones

if u want to speed ur acces to ur hard drive

install System Mechanic Professional 7 and go to

increase performance and choose defragment hard drive

and in 3rd choice cutome choose options and in the end of the window

you will have two kind of defragmenting one is fast and one is called

low level defragment ,,, its very good defragmenting no joke

this kind of defragmenting can try to prevent fragments as possible

in future thus defragment can take between 30 min and 2 days

depending on ur fragment percentage ,, i had 27% it took 6 hours

but guys hardisk is faster sure you will enjoy it

any questions im ready.


I have not tried the utility you mentioned but, i make sure the fragmentation levels are under check on my drives, it helps keep the system from lagging and crippled performance.
Its a good practice to keep the drives healthy and refrain from storing unwanted programs, a faster drive = smoother system.

Member Avatar for microarab

but i still advise u to try it i hav a long experience with software and still im sure ur system it has fragments but thanks for replying

Isn't Tune Up Utilities better than System Mechanic Professional?

Setting aside some space in your hard disc for virtual memory can significantly boost the speed of your PC,if you don't have a lot of RAM.

This is purely subjective, but i have found that my system seems more consistantly responsive if I install a remote page file - that being a second hard disk drive dedicated for page file use only.
Even internet page changing seems consistantly snappier - but I can not quote any benchmark results to back up this.
But makes sense if the page file is always at the fastest outer edge of the disk - and stays there, whereas windows seems to place it in the middle of a system c-drive.
But as I said - a subjective observation, over time.

> whereas windows seems to place it in the middle of a system c-drive.
In a single-drive system, you can easily get into the state of "swap a page out to disk, load a page of data for a program". This creates a hell of a lot of head movement. The middle of the disk is a compromise between transfer times and seek times (seek times take a lot longer).

Consequently, when you have two drives, with the swap on one drive and the data on the other, you can swap a page and read a page, and neither head moves anywhere.

I agree - latency is greatly reduced
- also both i/o is controlled by separate host bus adaptors, like an array set.
System performance increase is noticable after launching an application and using the various functions.
But is not reflected in standard hdd benchmarking.
I use a cheap 9GB 10,000 rpm scsi drive attached to a pci host bus adaptor card.
(also sounds impressive when spooling up at system boot)

ps - i only mentioned a remote page file in this thread because
with that configuration , one only has to address the c-drive (system files)
which no longer seems such a priority maintenance chore.

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