Ever since I installed service packs for Windows XP for Word 2000 I have had problems downloading my email messages in Outlook Express. I tried getting help from my local telephone company and they told me to check settings which I did but it didn't work. Any suggestions, please? I appreciate if anyone can help me. Thank you so much. :?:


Try to temporarily disable your firewall and see if this helps. If it does, add the Outlook Express to Windows firewall exclusions.

To open Windows Firewall

1. Click Start and then click Control Panel.
2. In the control panel, click Windows Security Center.
3. Click Windows Firewall.

Hope this helps,


Ever since I installed service packs for Windows XP for Word 2000 I have had problems downloading my email messages in Outlook Express. I tried getting help from my local telephone company and they told me to check settings which I did but it didn't work. Any suggestions, please? I appreciate if anyone can help me. Thank you so much. :?:

Problems,?? what error message to you receive when you hit send and receive

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