
I dont know if this is the right place to write this on. But i give it a try.

My computer keep turning of itself while iam playin´ a game listen to mp3 and looking on internet. Sometimes just when iam cheking IE. i never know when. and iam really cerius why it keep turn of itself. I got Windows XP and a Fiujutsi Siemens omputer. I thought it was that i got "over heated", can it be?

Someone got a guess or know why it is like this?

thx for tryin´ to help.

Does it just turn off like it lost power, or is it a normal shutdown where it goes through all the steps and saves your settings. If it just turns off, you proabaly haver power issues. Either your computer's power supplys is messed up, or you have a poor outlet. Test your outlet and make sure its sufficient for your computer.

It could be an overheating problem. Just in case I would download:

Motherboard Monitor

The above link allows you to download a utility that will display the CPU and case temperature in your system tray.

Windows has an auto shut off facility when the computer reaches a certain temperature. I believe you can alter this setting from the BIOS.

If it is an overheating problem then check to see if there is any dust in the CPU fan. It can build up quite easily. Also check to see whether the fan is connected securely and that the power wire is on its pins on the motherboard properly.

It might be something to do with overloading the memory but I doubt it as that should only cause the computer to crash.

themagmasher: It restarts itself. Dont really know if it saves the the settings, but i think so.

pimp~: Where should I place that file? in what category/map? and what is the normal temprature for the computer?

themagmasher: No. it just turn off and restart it self. no setting save.

Do you receive an error message before it restarts like either of these below?

Nope. i dont. it just restart itself without any warning.

It doesn't matter where you put the motherboard monitor program. As for normal temperatures, anything over about 59/60 for a long period of time is a problem (that's the CPU temp by the way).

Yeah above 60 C is when the wierd stuff starts to happern, but unless somehting really bad happened to your cooling systems, I have a hard time believing it would reach over 60 C just surfing the internet.

You cup heat is monitored in you bios[it could be disabled ] and set to shut down at a certain temp ,usuall around 60-65 C.

There are other possible causes aside from temperature issues.

- Does your computer exhibit the problem if you're working while booted into safe mode? If not, you're probably looking at a software issue.

- Does the computer manage to log any possibly helpful error messages before it dies? Review your log files by using the Event Viewer program in your Administrative Tools folder.

- Bad RAM can cause random shutdowms. Download and run memtest86; it will run some pretty intensive tests on your RAM and report on any errors it finds.

- Viruses and "Spyware" can, in extreme instances, cause random shutdowns and/or restarts. Look through the posts in our Security forum for more information on ways you can detect and remove these pests.

- A faulty PCI add-in card could be the culprit. If you have PCI network, sound, modem, etc. cards, removing them one by one can help you narrow down the culprit.

- If heat is the issue, open your case and blow/brush out any dust and debris that might have accumulated; that crud clogs your fans and impedes airflow.

My english isn´t that good, so i didnt understand everything u wrote.

i downloaded the program "Motherboard Monitor", wich is keep saying tht my case is over 65 degress all the time. to high?

I downloaded the RAM prog. but didnt udnerstand it so well. It said something about a floppy disc. So i pretty much unistalled it. But i only got 256 ddr ram.

My Computer is completly free from viruses. Iam 100% sure!

About any loggs or help ful thing i can use. No i dont get anything. it b00ts itself. nothing more, nothing less.

The other 2 things i dont really understand. So can´t really give u an answer for it.

Hope something about this info will help..

i downloaded the program "Motherboard Monitor", wich is keep saying tht my case is over 65 degress all the time. to high?

That's not high enough to definitely be the problem, but have you opened you computer's case and made sure that all of your fans are still running and that the inside of the case is free of dust?

I downloaded the RAM prog. but didnt udnerstand it so well. It said something about a floppy disc. So i pretty much unistalled it.

What they are saying is that memtest86 runs from a bootable floppy disk. Once you download and unzip memtest86, go to the memtest86 folder and run the "install.bat" file. That will walk you through the process of creating the floppy.

But i only got 256 ddr ram.

The type, size, and number of total RAM sticks doesn't matter- you should still run memtest86.

The other 2 things i dont really understand. So can´t really give u an answer for it.

To boot into Safe Mode, hit the F8 key just as Windows first starts up when you boot. A menu of boot choices will come up; choose the straight "Safe Mode" option from the menu. Windows will then start up using only the most necessary files/progams it needs to run. If your problem is due to a piece of software on your system, there's a good chance that you won't see the problem in safe mode.

In terms of removing PCI cards from your system, wait until we cover the other possibilities before we worry about that.

Im getting the same problem he is, or about. For me, its random shutdowns but the Power is still running; the fans are still going, etc. But other times it just restarts on its own. Really wierd. It could be doing nothing in the middle of the night and restart. Here's some logs I found. I Cross-referenced with one that i knew the time and date so i just looked for others of that type of log

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000004e (0x00000099, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini080704-04.dmp.

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x1000008e (0xc0000005, 0x80581e21, 0xba318bd8, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini080804-01.dmp.

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000c2 (0x00000007, 0x00000cd4, 0x021f0005, 0x820d3f10). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini080904-01.dmp.

I havent ran the Memory test yet, or Motherboard monitor, but i will and ill see what it gives me.

Btw, how do i find out what kinda motherboard i have? I custom built it awhile ago and dont even know where to begin to look for what i have

Okay DMR. lets see if i can give u some more answers this time :)

About the fans and dust and that. all my fans are working perfectly i guess. Havent opend the "main" fan. should I?

Still about this Memtest program, i dont get it. I run install.bat getting in to the dos. and what should i write after that? it says it need a formated disk in a or b. i dont got any disks. do i need?

Ahha, about safemode. I only go to Safemode when iam getting rid of Virus. never really been there for along time..

If it can dbe to any help here is some more info.

The restarts usually come when i got alot of programs open, or just doing many things on my computer. I never know when it going to happend. Sometime it have gone a week before a restart. sometimes its 3-5 on a day. i never know.


make an own thread :P

Btw, how do i find out what kinda motherboard i have? I custom built it awhile ago and dont even know where to begin to look for what i have

I had a small problem finding out what the motherboard make was on my system once as I bought the basic tower from somebody and have upgraded it. The way I did it was to take the case off and write down the most prominent numbers on the board. Then I did a Google search using the numbers and it came up with my motherboard. It isn't an ideal way of finding out, but it worked for me.

Sorry, but I can't seem to find any programs that will detect the type of motherboard you have.


make an own thread :P



We ask that members not post their own questions to a thread started by another member, regardless of how similar the problems might seem. Doing so takes the focus of the troubleshoot away from the original poster's problem and just generally makes the thread more confusing. Additionally, your question won't get the individual attention in needs either.

Please start your own thread here and post your info in that thread.

Thanks :)

About the fans and dust and that. all my fans are working perfectly i guess. Havent opend the "main" fan. should I?

You probably don't need to do that. You can usually tell if the main power supply fans are running without taking anything apart.

Still about this Memtest program, i dont get it. I run install.bat getting in to the dos. and what should i write after that? it says it need a formated disk in a or b. i dont got any disks. do i need?

Unfortunately, memtest86 wants to be run from a bootable floppy disk. If you don't have any IBM-formatted floppy disks, you need to get one. If your computer doesn't have a floppy drive, memtest is also supposed to be able to be burned to a CD-ROM, but I've never used it that way so I don't know how difficult that would be to do.

Ahha, about safemode. I only go to Safemode when iam getting rid of Virus. never really been there for along time..

Right- people usually only go in to safe mode for short periods of time to do something like a virus scan or a quick repair. Since you've said that it may take up to a week for the problem to happen, booting into safe mode probably isn't going to be able to tell us anything. You won't really be able to use the computer in safe mode that long if you need to get any real work done in that time; many of your programs won't even run in safe mode.

So, what to do now? is it that memtest86 thing I need to run?

and yeah. My fans is running but it can be Alot of dust in there. never really cleaned up IN the little box.

Yeah, that sage mode seems to be alittlbit to far away.

got some more tip? or u have no clue?

I don't know if you had a program like adware, but I would get that and install it (you can find it on download.com) search to see if there are any spyware's installed on your computer. If thats not it, you could have have like what was said earlier RAM problems, also I wonder if you could be having a hard drive problem (or possibly even power supply problems) cuz if your running too much stuff, it overloads it and will shut down. It doesn't sound like its a heat thing...do you know how much RPMs your hard drive can handle? Stuff like that...also how many programs do you have currently running when you restart your computer? If you have a lot, i'd try to eliminate as much as you can!


I got ad-aware. hijackthis. norton and spybot.

My taskmgr says that cpu-using is 100% all the time -> something about the RAM?

where do i chek RPM and that stuff?

i got like winamp. tibia. IE. msn. so 4 progs. + some progs like antivirus and that.

hm, my RPM is 9400.

well one of your programs your running sounds like its eatting up your CPU usage, or else your computer is just F****ed, might want to take it to someone to have them look at it...its so hard to diagnose a problem without seeing it ya know?

So, any tip how to find that program?
- I found that everytime i put tibia on it move ups to 100% of the cpu usage.
is that about the RAM?

Ahh! I need more things to try!

Someone more wanna try to help :)?

B uming
U p
M y
P ost

Hey. Why have u stopped help me?
someone give me some more solutions.

Hey. Why have u stopped help me?
someone give me some more solutions.

Pardon me, but we work here on a volunteer basis, have real world responsibilities, and have others to help when we are here.

B ump
U p
M y
P ost

Ahh, finally i found a logg!

can someone try to help me this time?

The screenshot is a picture of the logg..

take a look and tell me what to do D:

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