I am running XP SP1. Whenever I click on the My Computer icon, on Desktop, Windows Explorer or wherever, I get the "searching flashlight" icon and it takes a full minute for the My Computer page to appear. Any ideas?

Hi Gelnshiro. A couple of things for you to consider.

1. Is this only 'recent" behavior
2. Did I change anything at all lately, including installing any apps since this started

Things it can be

*Needing more memory
*Needing routine maintenance EG: Scandisk/Defrag
*A new apps causing a conflict
*Dropping your PC when moving it...Tehe. *Just kidding* :) Thought I would thrown in some laughs.
*Memory going bad

I have an HP All-in-one that causes the same thing. Try turning off the power to the printer/scanner (if indeed you have one) when the flashlight is searching...your folders should come right up..

Hope this helps,,took me forever to figure it out as it only happens occasionally.

I am running XP SP1. Whenever I click on the My Computer icon, on Desktop, Windows Explorer or wherever, I get the "searching flashlight" icon and it takes a full minute for the My Computer page to appear. Any ideas?

I'll add to this: I've seen similar things with other PC's, and for some of them, it turned out that there was a CD in the drive, and whenever My Computer got opened, it waited while it scanned the CD before it would display anything. If that's your issue, you will probably hear the CD spin up and make some noise when you try to open My Computer.

Thanks, DuncanIdaho and plchan. Unfortunately neither solution works! Any more ideas?

My only other thought on this is a seriously (SERIOUSLY) fragmented hard disk. Have you defragged lately?

Yes I defragment frequently

Do you have any mapped network drives?
I've had similar problems when the network I was on was slow.

Other than Microsofts solution (which didn't really help in my case) http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;819017&FR=1&PA=1&SD=HSCH Try unplugging (or turning off) all USB devices and removing all cd's and floppys then re-booting. If you still get the flashlight, then I'd say it's time to reload XP. Especially if its been over a year since the last XP install, (I'm a firm believer in the "XP half-life theory"). If after re-boot the flashlight goes away, you can start turning things back on to try and determine which device is the culprit. I'd still reload XP though, nothing like a fresh operating system.

If you do decide on re-installing the OS, I would highly recommend getting a new hard disk drive (only $50 at NewEgg for 40 GB). Make the new HDD the master and your original drive the slave. You should still back up important files on the original drive for safety before doing anything but nothing should happen to it to cause you to lose data. (It's a good idea to get the new HDD up and running before you hook up the old one as a slave so windows dosen't get confused with seeing another OS when trying to load a new one).
Load a new copy of XP onto the new HDD (C: ) along with all of your programs. Setup the original drive (D: ) as your user files drive (XP lets you specify where the "My Documents" and related folders, e-mail files, etc. are located). Now that everything is working good and fast again, you can use Norton Ghost to make a disk image of drive C: and save it to drive D: or CD/DVD. Now anytime things start acting goofy you can simply restore the c: drive back to the way it was in the beginning and it only takes about 10 minutes. This setup has saved me hours of troubleshooting time for weird problems like this one. Just remember to set the default locations of ALL of your user files to the D: drive (don't forget e-mail) because when you restore drive C: it is overwritten. ;)

Another option and what I did is I bought a 120 GB hard drive, partitioned it (40GB for drive C: and the balance for D: ) and I use my old 80 GB HDD for drive E: as a backup drive for the Norton Ghost files for both the C: and D: drives.

Anyway, thats it for my thoughts. Good Luck


I had similar trouble with Windows98 when installing software for HP OfficeJet 6110. The HP software had added a program in the startup folder that was causing the conflict. It was called "HP Instant Support" or something like that. I removed that from startup and the problem was resolved.

I have an HP All-in-one that causes the same thing. Try turning off the power to the printer/scanner (if indeed you have one) when the flashlight is searching...your folders should come right up..

Hope this helps,,took me forever to figure it out as it only happens occasionally.

No kidding - really your on to something because i 'had' and HP PSC1210 and it exhibited the EXACT same issue. Once my systems were up (i have 3 and all 3 have different chipsets/drivers), and i got the HP USB driver searching lag REALLY bad on all 3 systems unless i temorarily turned off the 1210 power then all 3 systems would be fine (no lag), then i could tun it in again and everything was ok. It did seem to help to do msconfig and take the 2 HP startup entries out of statup - then it didn't freeze 'as' often on my comp or windows explorer, but ... the 1210 actually went kaput just last week and i bought this gem of a basic printer (for a cheap AIW)


and as you can read in the newegg review i wrote it has outperformed the HP 5 fold in every area pratically, really good for a cheap AIW PSC device. No lag. No 3 minutes up the priting arm constantly "resetting" for no apparent reason at times. Push the on button and you hear one 1 second swing on the print arm and it's ready, and zero USB/driver loading lag.

I am running XP SP1. Whenever I click on the My Computer icon, on Desktop, Windows Explorer or wherever, I get the "searching flashlight" icon and it takes a full minute for the My Computer page to appear. Any ideas?

I'm a new member. I'm WIN XP ADM Certified! After reading your problem. It seems like your cache is "Full". Trying cleaning it out. If it continues clean your Internet Temp folder. Good Luck!


I am running XP SP1. Whenever I click on the My Computer icon, on Desktop, Windows Explorer or wherever, I get the "searching flashlight" icon and it takes a full minute for the My Computer page to appear. Any ideas?

I started haveing this trouble on my gateway laptop after I updated my CD/DVD driver. AFter the update, my computer would act like there was a CD in the driver. I have not had the chance to install the original driver yet, so can't tell you if that's the fix.

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