I'm new to Networking so i have a simple question.

Say I establish a network between my desktop, and my laptop. Now what If i'm at a friends house, and want to show them some pictures stored on my desktops hard drive. How does that work? Do I go through a password based entrance or something, and access the files, or what?


what Operating system? (and edition)
wired or wireless?

My desktop is windows XP, my notebook is Vista.

I will be purchasing a wireless router, i do not know which model yet.


what Operating system? (and edition)
wired or wireless?

XP Home edition

use logmein.com - it's the easiest way

use logmein.com - it's the easiest way

thats not what he asked :(

why not? log in remotely, open pictures up :)

thats not what he asked :(

Thanks for the logmein web-site, it's definitely a solution.

However, like was mentioned, I'm looking to gain access through my network. is that possible? If not, no big deal... logmein.com will suffice.

Thanks for the replies fellow members! ;)

well, you can download and set up an FTP service on the PC, share the pics out through that, open up and forward the ports needed, provide authentication off the server, set up a dynamic DNS account...

anything is possible, provided you really want to go the complicated way, achieving a slightly different, but considering the amount of effort wasted, useless result :)

thats not what he asked :(

well, you can download and set up an FTP service on the PC, share the pics out through that, open up and forward the ports needed, provide authentication off the server, set up a dynamic DNS account...

anything is possible, provided you really want to go the complicated way, achieving a slightly different, but considering the amount of effort wasted, useless result :)

Well said... lol

Oh yeah.. one more thing.

So If i use the logmein web-site, does my desktop need to be on, in order to gain access through my laptop?

Because that would be bad, unless I knew I wanted the access in advance, i would waste alot of energy leaving the system on.

if you have a router, you only need the accessed system on. and the router of course

or use windows networking + pptp

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