Please does anyone know of any freeware software i can download and use to monitor network traffic and bandwidth usage within a small office internal network. I'm already using Spiceworks to monitor and manage my network inventory. I now need a software to observe actual network traffic and packet flow.

Ok here's the scenario.

My office has LAN.
I have this HP 4650 network printer.
I installed the driver for it to laptop "A" and then shared the printer.
I connected the printer to laptop "A" via a USB cable.
I connect to the printer with other systems using "A"'s IP address.
All systems can print but the next day the can't.
So i repeat the process of connecting using the IP address of "A".
The can all print but again the next day it they print...

I need a permanent solution to this problem...please

google for squid+bandwidth+traffic+monitoring

you can also use ethereal. you can can download it over the network

Daft question but is the IP address for Laptop A always the same ??

Have you tried to connect the other PC's to the printer using the computer name for Laptop A instead of the IP address??

Daft question but is the IP address for Laptop A always the same ??

Have you tried to connect the other PC's to the printer using the computer name for Laptop A instead of the IP address??

Yes, I gave laptop A a static IP address, i've not tried using the Computer name though...i'll try and see if the problem continues.

Orion NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA)Identifies which users, applications, and protocols are consuming the most network bandwidth and highlights the IP addresses of the top talkers on the network.It Maps the traffic arriving from designated ports, source IPs, destination IPs, and even protocols, to application names you can easily recognize.

one more choice, google Capsa Free.

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