Hi, I had configured my linksys wireless router for my home network and it was working fine. But due to some reasons I had to format my notebook and now its not able to connect the wireless network automatically, When I am trying to hook on the network its asking for some password which i don't remember. Can some body please help me to connect.

hi vikassr welcome to Daniweb,
sorry to disappoint you but i figure you'll need to remember that password or else you won't be able to connect to your wireless network. only option i guess is maybe reset the router or something? (not sure)

I noticed you said Wireless.

Can you plug the laptop in via a cable? If so, you may be able to log in via the web console and change the wireless password.

If you have a problem with the web console, it may be time for a factory reset.

See your router's manufacturer's web page for details.

Since you formatted your Laptop, every settings went back to default...what you do is reset the router then log into it (Router) and reconfigure it using the previous configuration for it to access wirelessly...

do you still need some help with this?

The reset has worked and Now I am able to connect to the router, Thanks for all your suggestions. ;-)

have you put security on it? since it was reset unless you put security on manually it is now an open network and ANYONE in range (<150m) can join in on your ISP for free!

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