I'm not able to access to some web sites at home whereas I can access to these webs at work. Please advise. Thanks

Without info as to your symptoms (plenty of info) there's nothing we can help you with.

For example you miught be plugged into the network at work, but not at home.

Or your router/DSL modem doesn't have the right green lights on.

Or you get error messages when you try to get on the web? What messages? Have you tried Network Connection Repair?

We need a lot of information. Not just "I can't access the web".

I have a modem with some 3 ports. With the same web site, my PC can access to the web, whereas my laptop can't. I have tried Firefox or IE but doesn't help. Pls advise


You don't like giving information, do you? Not even to answer my prompting questions. Hmmph.

Have I read between the lines correctly?
You have a DSL modem with three ports to which are connected your PC and your laptop. Which DSL modem please? Or do you mean a router that is connected to a DSL modem (which usually only have on output port).

Your PC connects to the web OK, the laptop doesn't.

When we establish these facts, then we can advise - for example logging on to the router or modem to see what's going on.

So please, give us the information we need.

Have I read between the lines correctly?
You have a DSL modem with three ports to which are connected your PC and your laptop. Which DSL modem please? Or do you mean a router that is connected to a DSL modem (which usually only have on output port).

Modem: ZyXel, P-600 series

Your PC connects to the web OK, the laptop doesn't.

Let me give you my situation: I access to the Net and I log in to yahoo mail. I open some mails, these mails appears some links as I have joined discussions in some forums, for example: www.excelforum.com. I can access to some forums, but recently not able to join my discussion in excelforum with the error msg "Address Not Found" by using laptop whereas PC can.

Please find answer in red and advise.Thanks

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