
I know this should be in another topic, but I really need help on unblocking a website from NETGEAR firewall. and I don't know the username and password to get in the thing to unblock it :'(

Isnt anyone going to reply??? :(

Welcome to daniweb Jessica.

Please understand this is not 24/7 instance reply service and people reply of their own concern not when somebody demands it.

Make sure that website is not blocked by your firewall at computer. Blocking website from Netgear is likely done in office environment or in case of child protection (instead of making this configuration for each computer on the network)

As in regards of access to your Netgear:

  • to gain access to Netgear use internet browser (Firefox, IE, Safari) and type (can be different if network IPs been custom configured)
  • default username and password if you did not change it is "admin" and "password"
  • if you changed this details previously and now cannot remember it, there is only one option left as far I know and that is RESET button at the rear of Netgear. BE WARNED, THIS WILL SET YOUR NETGEAR TO DEFAULT FACTORY CONFIGURATION AND REMOVE AND ADJUSTMENTS YOU MADE TO IT. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR CONNECTION SETTINGS BEFORE DOING THIS. The reset button is mostly around plug for power adapter at the rear. For better idea where to locate it, check netgear.co.uk or *.com support section that also host latest firemware and various guides for users.

Welcome to daniweb Jessica.

Please understand this is not 24/7 instance reply service and people reply of their own concern not when somebody demands it.

Make sure that website is not blocked by your firewall at computer. Blocking website from Netgear is likely done in office environment or in case of child protection (instead of making this configuration for each computer on the network)

As in regards of access to your Netgear:

  • to gain access to Netgear use internet browser (Firefox, IE, Safari) and type (can be different if network IPs been custom configured)
  • default username and password if you did not change it is "admin" and "password"
  • if you changed this details previously and now cannot remember it, there is only one option left as far I know and that is RESET button at the rear of Netgear. BE WARNED, THIS WILL SET YOUR NETGEAR TO DEFAULT FACTORY CONFIGURATION AND REMOVE AND ADJUSTMENTS YOU MADE TO IT. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR CONNECTION SETTINGS BEFORE DOING THIS. The reset button is mostly around plug for power adapter at the rear. For better idea where to locate it, check netgear.co.uk or *.com support section that also host latest firemware and various guides for users.

child protection? I'm not a child and it was blocked so I couldn't have any fun :(

He changed the password. Now what? :| I was able to unblock it before but now he changed everything and I can't get in!!

I did not say you are child, I said someone may have set up child protection for online websites.

As I said before if you do not have password and the default access been changed your only way to get inside of Netgear is to do reset. This however has downside of erasing all setting from router and setting to factory default. The choice is yours.

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