
I am having trouble with using the Whm in cpanel, i create a package. Then create an account assigned to that package. But it comes with the error that you have run out of disk space and that i have exceeded my allotment of 70mb.

What's going on here? I have 3gb

The way cpanel reads quotas, is that if it trys to create an account, but there are files that are already in the system owned by that username etc. Then it will tell you it is over quota, I would recommend trying to set it to 100Meg to begin with, and see if it gives the same error.

I get the same error when i create an account and assign it to that package with 100mb space and 500mb bandwidth. This is not cpanel i mentioned in my first post.

Cpanel/WHM are the same utility, just different interfaces.

Are you sure that quotas were initiated correctly? try to login via ssh and run /scripts/fixquotas.

Its ok, sorted. Some kind of permission setting.

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