Hello there and thanks for taking the time to browse this. I have an issue that I would like some input on if anyone has any ideas.
My main system has Window's Mellenium and my 2 secondary systems have 98se. My home network is hooked up via a hub.....the route is.....

Intenet in from telephone line to modem.....out from modem to first ethernet card on my main computer....out from second ethernet card on main system to hub....from hub to 2 other systems in the house.

Ok the problem I am having is I am trying to run a Teamspeak server on one of the secondary systems in the house and no one can connect to the TS server from outside the home network. I use a hub so I cannot connect to it like I could if it was a router to adjust anything in it. The hub is a Gnet 5port 10Mbps Etherenet Hub. The modem is a Speedstream 5360 Ethernet ADSL. All of the computers in the house that are on the home network can connect to the Teamspeak server that I have set up. Is there something that I need to do to be able to enable a port or is there a firewall issue in the hub that I cannot get into or.........

All suggestions would be appreciated Thanks :)

For people to access your Teamspeak server from the Internet, you'll need to open up the appropriate ports and do port forwarding. Do you have a firewall on the PC that's attached to the ADSL modem? Does it do port forwarding?


No the modem has no ability to be accesed by any outside sources. I realise that I have to port forward but am unable to access either the hub or the modem to do so that way....
So the problem is that I have to be able to find the source on the main system to be able to run a tunnel or port forwarding program to allow access to the secondary system via the opened port. I have even thought that perhaps I may have to use a DMZ program but really don't want to if I don't have to. I don't wanna leave the system open to that kind of risk. If this can't be solved then I guess in a week or 2 I will have to switch to a router rather than the hub. Hopeing for a different solution that is more practicle though.

Certainly a DSL/cable router is going to be a big benefit - but you'd still have to port forward to the appropriate machine if you use NAT. Alternatively you could buy a block of public IPs from your ISP to use with that router thus removing the need to port forward - but things like that get a bit more complicated in practice as some routers will then not do firewall facilities for the machines you want to protect.

However for the time being, the first PC that the modem is directly attached to should be running some kind of firewall, hopefully with port forwarding, and you'd have to use that to get Teamspeak working for external users.


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