One of my customers is using a wireless network with WPA security. When the customer looks in the notification area they notice that the network connection has a red X through it & they are unable to connect to their network. Please help

Red x mean there are no internet connection.

1) REset the modem and router
2) See other computers are having the same problem
3) Check whether you have change any network settings
4) Check your customer to see whether his firewall or other software is blocking the connection.

check the router firewall uncheck the block internet connection... save settings and try again...

check the router firewall uncheck the block internet connection... save settings and try again...

Hi benmar,

Thanks for your contribution. i am sure it will be helpful to the poster although that is what i say beofre. Hehe. There are many possibility. I hope the poster can come and update his progress. Disconnect and reconnect to the network again or reset modem

@ jingda:: thanks for help . i was facing the same problem but after reading this my problem is resolved man..

You are welcome ashily24dee. Any more problems

I"m have issues deleting a network so I can correct the issue it's not the network that i'm connected to on my wireless router but it's the one where you name your sharing network the path doesn't seem to be tehre i get this error code 0x8007035 it's telling me that the other pc is not found well thats not true I set it up after a few weeks when I bought my laptop and both the laptop and desktop are on windows 7 and I'm trying to share a printer over the network but it's not letting me.

commented: Don't hijack a thread -1
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