Hi my name is bunthoeurn.i have one question? if you were a manager, and then in case your internet can't access what do you to fix it? i wants some advices thanks you!

This question is extremely vague. You first have to scope te problem. I'd this issue affecting the entire network, a segment, or just one computer. Which applications are impacted? Etc...

What JorgeM said. In addition, a lot of external actors can affect this. We were having serious internet access problems the other day due to a failure of GoDaddy.com, the domain registrar for a major portion of systems on the Internet. Our company is one of the largest corporations in the world (and has over a billion network users), yet our internet connectivity was seriously impacted by GoDaddy's problems. In such cases, there isn't a lot you can do, other than hope it is resolved PDQ (pretty darn quickly)!

@khoem.thoeurn..I guess you forgot to tell us what is the problem. You havn't mentioned the trouble you are going through.

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