Hi I am having problems getting past my router. I have a WRT54G and linksys modem. I have a wireless network. Sometimes Firefox will give me a message while trying to connect to a site; cannot connect to or my router. When I console my router I either get that error message or this"
any help would be appreciated.

Sometimes Firefox will give me a message while trying to connect to a site; cannot connect to or my router.

Based on this message, you are have problems getting to your router.

Based on this message, you are have problems getting to your router.

Yes I found that quite obvious; no offense. What's causing it how can I fix it?

Yes I found that quite obvious; no offense.

Except you titled the thread, "problems getting past the router," which is a different problem than getting to the router. No offense.

What troubleshooting have you tried?

Except you titled the thread, "problems getting past the router," which is a different problem than getting to the router. No offense.

What troubleshooting have you tried?

Okay okay but the point is I can't even console I really have no idea what to try. I power cycled but otherwise I have no idea why this would occur or how to fix it. It's not like I can show running config or show ip route anything. The setting seems good at least I haven't changed anything.

Yea now it does; I think it's working now. I installed the latest firmware, I only had the firmware the router came with. I also but it higher up and got an extension for my antenna on my nic card. Seems to be working much better. I thought bad reception might be some of the problem because it messed up more often when I was trying to authenticate on a web site

Congrats. Glad you got it worked out.

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