hi everyone!

this is my first post on this forum, and here it goes...

i have a D-Link DSL modem which is connected to a Netgear wireless router which is connected : 1) physically to my desktop (without a WLAN card) through ethernet, and 2) wirelessly to my laptop. i can access internet on both these machines individually, simultaneously with this setup.

now, is there a way i can still setup a wireless LAN between my laptop and desktop? the wifi router is connected thru a little LAN with the desktop, so if there's any chance the router can see the files on my desktop, it's possible that the laptop connected to that router could see those files too. how can i do this, if it's possible?

many thanks for any help/insights.

Welcome first of all! :)

Now you want a wireless connection between your Desktop and your laptop.
Through this sub-LAN are the computers going to be connecting to the internet?
If No, then you can just set up a the wifi router with the correct wifi expansion cards, and use the windows walk-through guides.
If Yes, you want it to connect to the internet, you are going to have a separate sub-system like the one you have now.

Hope this helps.

thanks Serunson!

Through this sub-LAN are the computers going to be connecting to the internet?

i'm sorry but i don't quite understand what you mean here. but i wish to be able to connect to the net just as i'm doing right now (not necessarily as a possible extension of this new setup as well), with the added advantage of also being able to access the two computers' file systems.

you also talk of some wifi extension cards -- what are these? do you perhaps mean that my desktop too would need a wlan card and i cannot achieve what i desire strictly with the hardware i have already?

Ah so you want to connect to the internet. Well you will need to setup a LAN between your desktop and laptop, (through a wireless router), then connect this to your modem which you have. Sometime you can buy wireless routers with modems already built in.
if you want your desktop to be wireless, you need to get one of those wireless sticks (they look like memory sticks), and connect that up.

Hope i have cleared this up :)

Ah so you want to connect to the internet. Well you will need to setup a LAN between your desktop and laptop, (through a wireless router), then connect this to your modem which you have.

thanks, Serunson, but now i feel like a complete newbie!

i'm not sure if i'm getting you right, but the above was exactly my question in my first post: if it's possible, how to link the two computers up in a LAN through a wireless router (given that just one of them -- the laptop -- has a wlan card, if that matters)? ok, let us even leave aside connecting to the internet for now; and no, i don't want my desktop to be wireless for its own sake, but if the fact that i already possess a wifi router that's connected to the desktop can enable me to see its files on the laptop, i'll be happy; does it simplify things then? perhaps i'm quite confused!

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