now i've decided to take network monitoring as my final year proj. i need the help of u experts.
The network will be a simple LAN with around 20-50 client m/c n a server.
mostly be doing it in Java/c,c++.what iwant 2 know is there any funcn in these langs which would enable the server to detect the h/w on the client m/c's at the time of their booting, so that i could detect any bootfailures .

now i've decided to take network monitoring as my final year proj. i need the help of u experts.
The network will be a simple LAN with around 20-50 client m/c n a server.
mostly be doing it in Java/c,c++.what iwant 2 know is there any funcn in these langs which would enable the server to detect the h/w on the client m/c's at the time of their booting, so that i could detect any bootfailures .


When you are saying Lan, does it is mean LAN based on Server and DUMp terminal? or Std NT Server based lan. In that case answers will be defered accordingly.

But in both cases Server can detect is client up or not.



When you are saying Lan, does it is mean LAN based on Server and DUMp terminal? or Std NT Server based lan. In that case answers will be defered accordingly.

But in both cases Server can detect is client up or not.


The Lan is a simple windows 2000 based lan. The server runs on win 2k server while the clients have their own os (win xp) . I guess it is a normal NT based server lan. Just let us know how will the server detect the boot failures of the client and also how will it detect the cause of the boot failures. Plz help.

Didn't like my previous negative response eh? heheh.;) Well windows isn't saying anything at this point. Did your prof. say it could definetly be done? My thought is there is some chance that the hardware in a NIC card may just announce its presence on the network as soon as it gets power. At this point it would be hardware driver stuff only. Layer 1. So about the only thing that would be given is the MAC address. Perhaps if you were to write something that monitored network traffic, it would be able to read the MAC and then check and see if it is still there after a suitable amount of time. If not, then you would know about a boot failure and you would have the machine's MAC address. I don't know for a fact that a card actually does this though. Seems like it would be hardware dependent and most cards I've seen don't actually link up until windows is running and the device drivers are loaded. But you could investigate.

Didn't like my previous negative response eh? heheh.;) Well windows isn't saying anything at this point. Did your prof. say it could definetly be done? My thought is there is some chance that the hardware in a NIC card may just announce its presence on the network as soon as it gets power. At this point it would be hardware driver stuff only. Layer 1. So about the only thing that would be given is the MAC address. Perhaps if you were to write something that monitored network traffic, it would be able to read the MAC and then check and see if it is still there after a suitable amount of time. If not, then you would know about a boot failure and you would have the machine's MAC address. I don't know for a fact that a card actually does this though. Seems like it would be hardware dependent and most cards I've seen don't actually link up until windows is running and the device drivers are loaded. But you could investigate.


When you are talking about Network consist of NT Networks. Then basically it is not a network by defination of Network. Those are Independ system same class of IP address. They recongize each other via protocol called netbios.( Netbui what microsoft calls now a days)

Hence any system can find who is up and who is down by netbios call. these calls are available in 'C'. You can getname of these funstion from bible of windows or even DOS.

Or use Interrupt 21.

But no system, going send message abouts its failure to any body over network unless they boot via remote image (network).

Ex. in old Novell netware days, client m/c as soon as started it detects remote servers and get bootimage from it instead of reading from hdd or floppy. In that case, we may get api from vender to reports each stage.

Currently you can very easily write a program at server m/c which will have ref. copy all m/c on the neighbourhood and using netbios call you can vwerify is it up or not. if not up there can be boot failure or not powered on.


When you are talking about Network consist of NT Networks. Then basically it is not a network by defination of Network. Those are Independ system same class of IP address. They recongize each other via protocol called netbios.( Netbui what microsoft calls now a days)

Who's definition of network are you using? NT machines do not have to use netbios to network, they only that for "browsing" and other extra windows features. And the question was not about knowing which machines were running and which ones weren't, but detecting boot failures only.

Ex. in old Novell netware days, client m/c as soon as started it detects remote servers and get bootimage from it instead of reading from hdd or floppy. In that case, we may get api from vender to reports each stage.

I'm just curious where the code came from to go out to the network and request those boot images if it didn't come from the hard drive?

i have taken my final year project as mobile computing,point to point please help me........

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