Okay the end of the story is that I've been forced to revert to dial up on an old slow dinosaur. It runs Windows ME.

Okay, so the preceeding event was me pushing the reset button on the modem. I immediately lost my internet access. Every site came up PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED. I rebooted, unplugged - nothing. Finally I had the bright idea to diconnect the router from the modem, and plug the ethernet plug from the modem directly into the computer. Success! I loaded maybe a page or two, left the comp for a short while. When I came back, I couldnt get online any more! I hadnt done ANYTHING! It worked all of maybe 15 minutes

The desktop is plugged directly into the modem (Westell Model A90-220015-04 DSL Router). I have Verizon DSL. The router is a Belkins a Wireless G Plus Router Model FSD7231-4. The laptop (Gateway Tablet PC) running XP is wireless . Before I disconnected the router, the laptop said I was connected with a strong signal, but all pages load - PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED. When I try to ping the computer the DOS screen pops up really fast and disappears before I can read it.

I havnt touched or changed anything since I hit the reset button on the modem, so I'm assuming its directly related to that. I can understand perhaps how that might have interfered with the connection between router & modem, but shouldnt I be able to get on at least the desktop with the direct connect?

What is going on? Can you send me back a few days before I hit the button, or in the alternative, tell me how to fix it. I think I know a lil something, but to a tech guy, I know nil. If you need additional system info., please tell me where to find it. Thanks so much

Oh, I dont know if this matters. A few weeks ago I was reading something about how the modem could have been a router and used as a bridge or maybe something completely different. I dont remember, what it was or what exactly I did. Somewhere along the line I stopped doing it, and went on with my life. I could still get online , but thought I'd mention it.

All lights on modem are steady green

from westell after going to

Connection / Status
PPPoE: no session
PPP: no connection

The above link more or less completely defines the characteristics of your Westell modem/router. Basically it recommends that you put a switch behind the Westell not a router.

However, because the Westell stopped delivering after 15 minutes - In the "Easy Login" page, are your session login details present? They may not be if the Westell has been defaulted.

Type ipconfig, if you are not being able to ping the gateway, check the connection between your pc and modem else call ISP support guy.

Well, there are IPCONFIG options available to clear out and reset your Windows network behaviours that might well be worth trying - after you've checked out that you are actually logging on to the ISP as per my last pst.

Well, there are IPCONFIG options available to clear out and reset your Windows network behaviours that might well be worth trying - after you've checked out that you are actually logging on to the ISP as per my last pst.

My advice is at your risk - HILARIOUS!

Ok, like I was saying when I type IPCONFIG a black DOS screens pops up really fast and disappears. I cant read it. On both the laptop and desktop. When I type cmd /k; ipconfig /all I get a page of info. I dont know exactly what I'm looking for

At the top it says WINS Proxy and IP Routing are disabled
Ethernet adapter Wireless Network Connection:
Connection specific DNS suffix is blank

The IP address, Gateway, DNS, etc., are all listed under Connection
Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection
Media State - disconnected

PPP Adapter Internet
Dhcp enabled: NO
NetBIOS over tcpip: disabled
all the address, gateways, etc. are listed and all are different than the ones listed above. I'm assuming thats right.

IF you need other info., please let me know. What are the IPCONFIG options? Is there another way to tell if I'm logging on to the ISP? I didnt change anything, I ONLY reset the modem? What is going on!?!?!?


My advice is at your risk - HILARIOUS!

I'm not sure as the person trying to help you that your remark is appreciated. I'm sitting here in the UK, you're over there with the problem right in front of you and obviously you take advice (or in this case apparently ignore advice) under these circumstances at your risk not mine. A perfectly reasonable disclaimer lest someone tries to sue the pants off me if something goes wrong that they want to put down to my sincere efforts at helping them out.

So with that rant over, back to helping you.

A couple of posts ago I suggested that you go to the easylogin page of your Westell modem to see if your ISP login credentials were still present. Did you do that? That's one of the potential causes for the inability to log on. A mains spike can flush that information (unusual but it's been known)

Then there is the Netgear router which you presumably attach to provide the wireless functionality as a bridge to the Westell Modem. There is strong advice provided by Westell on configuring the two together. There are username/password requirements for the Netgear. You need to check that all this is in order too. Guidance is available at http://www.dslreports.com/faq/7815

Finally, if all that's in order, IPCONFIG can clear a lot of problems. You always have to run IPCONFIG under CMD if you want to read its outputs.

IPCONFIG /? tells you the options. The sequence I have used in Netgear configurations (and btw I have given up with Netgear and gone to Draytek) is:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

Rarely, but occasionally, your sockets (software) go phut. In that case there is a reset by using the command:

NETSH Winsock reset

The descriptive article is at
and use of the command is harmeless (hence my disclaimer!).

Finally, but it has to be asked, are you in an account state of grace with your ISP? i.e. they haven't cut you off?

Let us know how you get on with the above.

SUSPISHIO I dont know if I ever explained the "hilarious' comment. It was meant to be a statement of admiration and respect fo the truth, need and humor of the phrase. Its says so little but so much, and I did not intend to be unappreciatie or offensive.

I am finally back on line. And after interrogating people left alone at my computer, I know have an idea what happened. Some attempt was made to set up port forwarding on my computer. Apparently it failed, or interest was lost. Had I been able to get on line, I guess no one would have ever mentioned it. So I know what almost happened, but dont know how to undo or fix it.

It seems as if a static ip address was set up. I cant get to the Belkin page to reconfigure. Can I erase a static ip? The no longer works. What can I do.

I had to call Westell, Belkin & Verizon, to get back on line, but I didnt know at the time I couldnt get to the Belkin page. I thought resetting the modem and all would clear everything. . .

Thanks for your cognisance! Much appreciated and kind of you to bother.

You say you're back on line, I presume because the ISP gave you a public IP address and/or DNS servers details to use in your TCP/IP settings.

You can't get to the Belkin page, I suspect, because of your static IP address link to your ISP.

I don't know about this port forwarding you mention; it can't be done on your computer so far as I know, but the computer can be used when connected as admin to the Belkin router to set up Port forwarding so that people on the router could be preventing from going out on a particular port to the Internet.

Now the strange thing is that your hard reset on the router was the start of your problem. That means the stuff I have written in the following paragraphs probably isn't now set up in the router but was or might have been. So it's what they've done to your PC that is the likely problem. It might be as simple as resetting your TCP/IP settings to Obtain IP address automatically now that the router is in default state. I would then run the IPCONFIG stuff I mentioned earlier, but finishing with IPCONFIG /flushdns.

If the foregoing doesn't work, digging into the router is warranted, although if other PCs can use the router normally, then the problem is definitely with your PC.

You could get onto the router from another PC or reset your TCP/IP settings to default (Obtain IP address automatically), or set it to the IP address That might work and enable you to log onto the router.

Then you'll need to have a look at the Belkin Firewall settings --> Virtual Servers and clear it out (assuming you're entitled to do so).

Likewise the Client IP Filters and see what's block and clear it.

Let us know.

Well, it seems like such a small thing now. My laptop wont power up AT ALL. I just got a new adapter from Gateway because the old one's cord was frayed. So, they sent a new adapter. Yesterday a couple of times the power seemed to fade. The screen would darken, then brighten back up. Today, I pulled the adapter out, shut down the computer and when I went to turn it on 30 minutes later it wouldnt power up.

So, I guess, I'll go to another forum. . .

So, I guess, I'll go to another forum. . .

... and they'll fix your laptop?

LOL, I was searching on this site, under HARDWARE, and someone had a similar problem. I was thinking of posting about my laptop there.

The Troubleshooting Dead Machines Forum sounds appropriate

1. I can not access the Belkin router from either desktop or laptop. I think thats my biggest problem, and the one I would like to fix the most.

2. I'm still trying to process the Westell info you suggested. It specifically says that some information wont be aplicable b/c some routers were made specifically for the ISP provider.

3. I dont know about the Easy Login page. On my routers default page I get
Connection: DSL PPP Status: UP
If I wasnt connected to the ISP, would I be able to get online?

Under Single Static IP Configuration it shows the following:
Please select which device will share your Single Static IP.

If "User Configured PC" is selected, a local PC must be manually configured to have the Single Static IP address.

WAN IP Address : (my address here)

The ip address that I think was set up is listed under 'User Configured PC' and it has the name of my desktop listed. At the bottom is says Single Static IP is currently disabled

I'm going to click the enable button and see what happens. It says it will reset the modem, so I may not be back. I will try to read through your posts and see if I can follow. I'll let you know what happens (if I can)

Okay, I was trying to modify the above post, but I ran out of time. I undid the bridging thing, so never mind that. I'm not sure why I got distracted.

1. I can not access the Belkin router from either desktop or laptop. I think thats my biggest problem, and the one I would like to fix the most.

2. I'm still trying to process the Westell info you suggested. It specifically says that some information wont be aplicable b/c some routers were made specifically for the ISP provider.

3. I dont know about the Easy Login page. On my routers default page I get
Connection: DSL PPP Status: UP
If I wasnt connected to the ISP, would I be able to get online?

Under Single Static IP Configuration it shows the following:
Please select which device will share your Single Static IP.

If "User Configured PC" is selected, a local PC must be manually configured to have the Single Static IP address.

WAN IP Address : (my address here)

The ip address that I think was set up is listed under 'User Configured PC' and it has the name of my desktop listed. At the bottom is says Single Static IP is currently disabled. My ip(static?) address is within the range of my Private Lan DHCP Settings? Is that okay?

4. You keep referred to Netgear. My modem is westell and my router is Belkin. Is Netgear the same company as Belkin?

5. My status with my ISP is fine. They helped me get back online.

6. OK, it looks like I gotta reset the TCP/IP settings.
I'm assuming that I can clearing out the virtual servers and checking the IP filters will be self explanatory.

7. Wish me luck

Good luck!

Sorry about referring to Netgear when I should have said Belkin. They are different.

Anyway, the thing to be focusing on IMHO is to get the router into a default state (you've done that with the reset button at the back?) and your PC with TCP/IP default settings, IPCONFIG and Netsh.

Then a wired connexion to the router should work straight away and I dare say wireless.

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