hi!im Nikka Ros i am a second year college taking up comp.prog.but the problem is i just have a few thing knew in creating a program then our instructor give us a final requirements is to create a system using vb...can you help me guys..please i'm begging you....god bless

I'm not sure what "create a system" is supposed to mean. It could be just about anything... do you have a more specific description of what you're supposed to do?

what types of system ?

I will assume that by "System" you mean a VB program. Given that, here's how you might start: First, decide on a name for your program and a folder in which you want to put it. Then, open the VB environment and have a look around. Sooner or later you will come upon a menu which offers you the option of creating a new program - use it. VB will handle all the boilerplate stuff and give you a design environment in which you can lay out your user interface. Next, decide what your program is going to do and work out a strategy to get that done. Once done, the strategy itself will suggest the outline of your user interface and what system tools you will need. If it were me, I would then go read the documentation for those tools (take notes).

VB's environment then makes it easy to drag and drop interface elements onto your blank GUI. Once you get this far, all that remains is for you to write the code that connects these elements together. VB also provides simple mouse based code constructors. Poke around the VB environment and I'm sure that you will find them. Click and type - VB opens a code window with all the connection stuff already done. You just have to fill in the method's implementation.

VB is quite intuitive. Nevertheless, I recommend that you read the VB documentation. I'm quite sure there will be a classic "Hello World" program described there that you can use as a guide.

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