Hi everyone. I have problem whit BSOD on Windows 7. I have a lot of dmp files in my minidump folder. After bluue screen view i have found that the main problem is this one:

File name: ntoskrnl.exe
Product name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
File Description: NT Kernel & System
File version: 6.1.7600.17273 (win7_gdr.130318-1532)
Company: Microsoft Corporation
Full path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe

I dont know how to fix this. If anyone knowes or have some advice please help. Thank you in advance

It's called BlueScreenOfDeath - an actual IT term. Look it up online it has lot's of results

From what I'm looking up, there's several reasons for it to happen. The most recurrent being a software driver bug of some sort.

Have you tried a System Restore?

I can not use System Restore, because problem arose few months ago, more precisely 22.03.2014. Is it possible to restor system to that date?

System Restore is meant to reset any changes made to the computer. Do you have any restore point on that date?

Yes, it was 25.05.2014. I already did it, but I am not sure that its gonna help?

If the problem started on 22.03, having your system restored to 3 days ago won't do anything.

Let's try the basics first.

Update your anti virus and run it. If needed, uninstall it and install again.

Run a cleaning tool, like CCleaner.

Install JRT and post the log here.

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(i'm assuming here that the problem is definitely ntoskrnl.exe)

ntoskrnl.exe is an executable responsible for managing a large number of system resources (memory, virtual hardware ect.). If you're sure it's a problem with that, I would recommend either doing a fresh install or using a repair disk to repair the file.

There are quite a few resources out there that can be found with a quick search showing you how to restore it.

I would also recommend making sure all of the drivers for your system are updated and compatable with win7. You'd be amazed how many people have issues with old nonfunctional drivers and BSOD's.

The easiest way would be of replacing a new hard drive and then back up all your files to the new one. This I say as sometimes after continuous BSOD the HDD will eventually crash causing all your files (esp the important ones) to be lost.

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The easiest way would be of replacing a new hard drive and then back up all your files to the new one. This I say as sometimes after continuous BSOD the HDD will eventually crash causing all your files (esp the important ones) to be lost.

Not sure that's the best course of action here.
There's nothing in the information given that suggests that there's any problem with the hard drive.

While a hard drive problem isn't out of the question, it's just unlikely.

Also, small correction; continious BSOD's won't damage the hard drive.
They might corrupt some files, which you'll need to fix by reparing or reinstalling whatever software's on the drive, but you won't need to replace it.

OK friend another help from me is to reinstall Windows 7 again. This will remove the old system files that are causing this problem & install new ones. If this doesnt help then you have a hardware problem.
Also before reinstalling windows 7, make sure to back up your important files first.

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