Hey can anybody explain me how "real time collaborative coding" works and how to code something like that
Thank you

Just want to code something to code with my friend a website

Well, that's coincidental :)

I was planning on using Dazah to do it ... basically using Dazah's group chat functionality and then attaching metadata to individual messages that consist of the individual key strokes. That should allow me to create a log of the realtime stream and replay it.

Whats dazah? Sry I am new just registered :D

You registered through Dazah, right?

Dazah is a chat API that powers a bunch of the functionality on DaniWeb, such as our private messaging and our group chat. It allows you to attach unlimited metadata (basically user-defined key/value pairs) to individual chat messages. My thought was it could be used to log keystrokes that would give a nice side-by-side chat along with code editor.

And you want to permanently update the texteditor of the user

So, out of the box, Dazah does group chat. So my thought is that there would be a separate code editor (to live side-by-side in the UI with the group chat). Here on DaniWeb we use CodeMirror, but you can use any, really. CodeMirror already records keystrokes but you could just as easily use jQuery to do so. Each time a character is typed, it would send the keystroke to Dazah to be stored in the group chat datastore. The other user, when they poll for chat messages, will also retrieve the keystrokes. Then, their editor would be updated in realtime.

How do i should start when I want to build it from the ground up and which language

How do i should start when I want to build it from the ground up and which language

No one knows you or your team or the project you are attempting or your experience levels or your skillsets or your deadlines or any of the particulars, so no one can answer these questions for you.

What is the "it" that you want to build from the ground up? Yeah, a website, but that's not specific enough. If you are looking for software to help you do that, google "real time collaborative coding" and a whole bunch of options come up.

But you start with the goal and you figure out what you need to get there. You pick a language based on that. Starting from the language and going to the project ("I'm good at Assembly, so let's build a website using Assembly") is generally the wrong way to go. No matter how good your hammer is, it's probably useless if the job calls for a screwdriver.

Thanks btw i like that last sentence

No matter how good your hammer is, it's probably useless if the job calls for a screwdriver.

And I dont want to make a website. I want to create a texteditor by my own which is supporting Realtime collaborativ coding

Sorry, I just automatically assumed that you meant that it would be web-based. In my head I was thinking of a rudimentary code editor where multiple parties would go to a website, and they would see a single page of code being edited by both parties in realtime. That's just what comes to mind for me when you say realtime collaborative coding ... I instantly associate "realtime" with "realtime chat" or something along those lines.

It could be webbased

And I dont want to make a website.

Well then that's a website :-P

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