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Very fluent in the C coding language. Always up for a challenge, and always learning.
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- Shell Scripting
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112 Posted Topics
Re: Greetings chound, C provides [b]typedef[/b], a facility for creating new data type names. It makes your name a synonym of the defined data-type: [code][color=blue]typedef int[/color] Number;[/code] The type Number can be used in declarations and casts in exactly the same ways that the defined type [b]int[/b] can be: [code]Number i, … | |
Re: Hello, If I understand correctly, you want to replace all space occurances to "\[color=green]space[/color]" where [color=green]space[/color] represents the space, ' ', character:[code][color=red]sed[/color] [color=#CC3200]-i[/color] '[color=blue]s/ /[/color][color=green]\\ /[/color]' [color=purple][i]file[/i][/color][/code] To clarify: [color=red]sed[/color] — Is the program. [color=#CC3200]-i[/color] — Is a sed option that can edit files in place (makes backup if extension … | |
Re: Greetings kisseric, Try changing the line:[code]if (newEntry == 0) { [color=red]doDivideZero(double &);[/color] }[/code]To:[code]if (newEntry == 0) { [color=green]doDivideZero(displayedVal);[/color] }[/code]Once I did this, your program ran just fine. I compiled it in Dev-C++. - [color=#CC3200]S[/color]tack [color=#CC3200]O[/color]verflow | |
Re: Greetings, This process is not hard since the default libraries included a function to do this. It's called itoa(). [b]»[/b] [color=blue]char[/color] *itoa([color=blue]int[/color] value, [color=blue]char[/color] *buffer, [color=blue]int[/color] radix); Converts an integer value to a null-terminated string using the specified radix and stores the result in the given buffer. If [i]radix[/i] is … | |
Re: Greetings suptboyr, Good to see you have an idea of how this process works. Creating a program to use mathematics in C is not difficult what so ever. It's similar to the syntax of how you write it on paper, but with easier calls. [b][u]Convert minutes to [hours and minutes][/u][/b] … | |
Re: Greetings, Using a 2-Dimensional array isn't very difficult at all. In fact for simplicity, lets take a look how a 2-Dimensional array looks in all aspects. [code][color=blue]int[/color] myValue[2][3];[/code] We know this array is going to be a 2x3 rectangle. So lets see how this looks: [code]Rows/Columns Column 0 Column 1 … | |
Re: Greetings cblue, > does anyone know hoew to find a prime sumber of a single number inputed by the ser using the following function and printing out if the number is prime Yes, I do know, its quite possible too.[code][color=blue]int[/color] main() { [color=blue]int[/color] num; cout << "enter number:"; cin >> … | |
Re: Greetings, In Java, all methods use the throw statement to throw an exception. The throw statement requires a single argument: a throwable object. In the Java system, throwable objects are instances of any subclass of the [url=http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/Throwable.html]Throwable[/url] class. If you attempt to throw an object that is not throwable, the … | |
Re: Hello, I would recommend [url=http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html]Bloodshed Dev-C++[/url] for C++ programming. If you want to compile C code, I would suggest using a C compiler such as GCC. I'm un-aware of any free available IDE envrionments for the C language. Though you may be able to compile C code in Dev-C++. I've … | |
Hello, [font=courier new][u]Brief Tutorial Revision[/u]: All examples can be compiled successfully in your compiler. Also, each example is compatable using the [b]-Wall[/b], [b]-pedantic[/b], [b]-ansi[/b], and [b]-std=c89[/b] GCC flags. Also, a few paragraphs have been modified, and code examples improved. Previous tutorial, Pointers #2, has been combined in this revision.[/font] [b][u]Introduction[/u][/b] … | |
Re: Hello, I have not done TCL script programming before, though I do believe the following links can help you: [list] [*][url=http://www.beedub.com/book/]Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk[/url] [*][url=http://hegel.ittc.ku.edu/topics/tcltk/]Tcl/Tk Information[/url] [*][url=http://www.techiwarehouse.com/Tcl_Tk/Tcl_Tk_Tutorial.html]Tcl/Tk Tutorial[/url] [*][url=ftp://ftp.tcl.tk/pub/tcl//doc/TclTkElRef803.pdf]TCL Electronic Reference[/url] *pdf file [/list] I can provide additional links if need be. - [color=#CC3200]S[/color]tack [color=#CC3200]O[/color]verflow | |
I've heard the curses library can be useful when trying to implement the handy DOS-only tools of gotoxy() and clrscr() using move() and initscr(). Though, there is a way to write your own gotoxy() in the Linux environment. This topic isn't touched often, so I would like to change that. … | |
Re: Not declaring a function's return value is an error in C++, whether the function is main or not. In C99, the October 1999 revision to Standard C, not declaring a function's return value is also an error (in the previous version of Standard C an implicit int was assumed as … | |
Re: Hello, [quote=Fasola]Hmmmmm....in the function multiply() how did you go from parameters x and y to i and j, that looks like a "call-by-reference" but i don't understand why you did that and how it works[/quote][b]»[/b] One aspect of C functions may be unfamiliar to programmers who are used to some … | |
Re: Greetings, [b]»[/b] Any ideas why I can't include it? It sometimes depends. [b]fstream[/b] is part of the C++ standard, [b]fstream.h[/b] isn't. [b][u]The difference between fstream and fstream.h[/u][/b] [b]fstream[/b] is somewhat more restrictive than the older [b]fstream.h[/b]. One would possibly avoid problems by careful use of namespaces, but it would be … | |
Re: It's not free anymore sadly, though a link that is still alive contains version 1.2f, I believe, can be found here: [url]http://members.lycos.co.uk/comicrealm/[/url] [url]http://tsa.clancore.net/[/url] - [color=#CC3200]S[/color]tack [color=#CC3200]O[/color]verflow | |
Greetings, String parsing isn't always an easy task. Especially in cases where you need to split a single string into a great multitude, but also accounting for maximum performance. The following code presented does this task simply. Using precise allocation techniques perform greatly when writing an algorithm to precision. | |
Re: Greetings kppowell, I'm glad you have asked this question. Here is a detailed explanation between the differences of the two languages: [b][u]Differences between C++ and Java[/u][/b] Although the Java language is modeled on C++, it has several fundamental differences. It is important to keep in mind (for now) one fact: … | |
Re: Greetings Mahen, I have some useful links I believe might interest you. · [url=http://www.icynorth.com/development/createdlltutorial.html]How to create a DLL[/url] · [url=http://www.codeproject.com/dll/]DLL Reference Page[/url] · [url=http://www.boondog.com/tutorials/dlltutor/dlltutor.htm]Other DLL Tutorial[/url] I hope you find this information useful. - [color=#CC3200]S[/color]tack [color=#CC3200]O[/color]verflow | |
Re: Greetings Ragnarok, Notebook computers can be easily overheated. Here are a few reasons why: For Windows users, there may be a process running in the background that eats up alot of the CPU. When this happens, your computer thinks harder causing it to overheat. The [b]svchost.exe[/b] issue did that to … | |
Hello, I am experiencing a slight problem managing user accounts in Windows XP Home Edition. When running in an existing account, non-administrative, I run into an IE script error and am unable to view the User Accounts dialog found under Control Panel. I am unable to run as Administrator unless … | |
[b]eFax Messenger Plus — What Really Happened?[/b] To be honest, I don't know what really happened to the software. I recently discovered that [url=www.efax.com]eFax[/url] no longer supports the eFax Messenger Plus software and that it has ceased to be made available to the consumer from both eFax and [url=www.j2global.com]j2 Global … | |
Yes, This is possible, and I have a working prototype that is simple to use. Though, before I display it I wanted to publicly ask the board where I should really post this. The "Windows" nor the "Software" section seemed suited for this topic, so I turned to the last … | |
Hello, I am trying to determine the best possible solution to accomplish a simple, yet complex task. ([i]Regarding: Socket Programming[/i]) I've been working on a new project for quite some time and have written a custom framework from the ground up. It's more or less a ([b]Client --> Server --> … | |
Hello fellow programmers, This is a tutorial about using pointers in the C environment. Please, don’t hit the back button; pointers aren’t as hard as you think. In fact without pointers, most of us would be lost in our latter programming years. Even though pointers are for the experienced, as … | |
Re: Welcome to the forums, I have written a program called "Conversion" a while back. It does exactly what you are looking for and more: [list][*]Decimal to Hex [*]Hex to Decimal [*]Hex String to Decimal [*]Decimal to Binary [*]Binary to Decimal [*]Float to Binary [*]Ascii to Binary [*]Binary to Ascii[/list] It's … | |
Hello, I beleive I found a suspicious file on my machine used as an [i]explorer.exe[/i] shell. I've been trying to remove it all day, with no luck. Below is my HJT Log: ---------------------------------- Logfile of HijackThis v1.98.2 Scan saved at 11:16:48 AM, on 5/9/2005 Platform: Windows 2000 SP4 (WinNT 5.00.2195) … | |
Re: Greetings kisseric, Welcome to DaniWeb. Gain help, Gain trust. :) Enjoy! - [color=#CC3200]S[/color]tack [color=#CC3200]O[/color]verflow | |
Re: Hello, [quote=kloony]for(i=0; i<1000; i++) QUEUEinit(50);[/quote] If I am correct in my thinking, you will have lost allocated memory in your program. Your pointer, [b]q[/b], is a variable. Allocating memory to it 1000 times will cause a problem. According to the C89 Sec. 4.10.3: [font=courier new]The pointer returned if the allocation … |
The End.