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Very fluent in the C coding language. Always up for a challenge, and always learning.

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Member Avatar for chound

Greetings chound, C provides [b]typedef[/b], a facility for creating new data type names. It makes your name a synonym of the defined data-type: [code][color=blue]typedef int[/color] Number;[/code] The type Number can be used in declarations and casts in exactly the same ways that the defined type [b]int[/b] can be: [code]Number i, …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for stharmon

Hello, If I understand correctly, you want to replace all space occurances to "\[color=green]space[/color]" where [color=green]space[/color] represents the space, ' ', character:[code][color=red]sed[/color] [color=#CC3200]-i[/color] '[color=blue]s/ /[/color][color=green]\\ /[/color]' [color=purple][i]file[/i][/color][/code] To clarify: [color=red]sed[/color] — Is the program. [color=#CC3200]-i[/color] — Is a sed option that can edit files in place (makes backup if extension …

Member Avatar for wickedjargon
Member Avatar for kisseric

Greetings kisseric, Try changing the line:[code]if (newEntry == 0) { [color=red]doDivideZero(double &);[/color] }[/code]To:[code]if (newEntry == 0) { [color=green]doDivideZero(displayedVal);[/color] }[/code]Once I did this, your program ran just fine. I compiled it in Dev-C++. - [color=#CC3200]S[/color]tack [color=#CC3200]O[/color]verflow

Member Avatar for manujkathuria
Member Avatar for cortiknee

Greetings, This process is not hard since the default libraries included a function to do this. It's called itoa(). [b]»[/b] [color=blue]char[/color] *itoa([color=blue]int[/color] value, [color=blue]char[/color] *buffer, [color=blue]int[/color] radix); Converts an integer value to a null-terminated string using the specified radix and stores the result in the given buffer. If [i]radix[/i] is …

Member Avatar for dverex
Member Avatar for suptboyr

Greetings suptboyr, Good to see you have an idea of how this process works. Creating a program to use mathematics in C is not difficult what so ever. It's similar to the syntax of how you write it on paper, but with easier calls. [b][u]Convert minutes to [hours and minutes][/u][/b] …

Member Avatar for shweta11
Member Avatar for iorisendoh

Greetings, Using a 2-Dimensional array isn't very difficult at all. In fact for simplicity, lets take a look how a 2-Dimensional array looks in all aspects. [code][color=blue]int[/color] myValue[2][3];[/code] We know this array is going to be a 2x3 rectangle. So lets see how this looks: [code]Rows/Columns Column 0 Column 1 …

Member Avatar for gruffy321
Member Avatar for cblue

Greetings cblue, > does anyone know hoew to find a prime sumber of a single number inputed by the ser using the following function and printing out if the number is prime Yes, I do know, its quite possible too.[code][color=blue]int[/color] main() { [color=blue]int[/color] num; cout << "enter number:"; cin >> …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for salmanrauf

Greetings, In Java, all methods use the throw statement to throw an exception. The throw statement requires a single argument: a throwable object. In the Java system, throwable objects are instances of any subclass of the [url=]Throwable[/url] class. If you attempt to throw an object that is not throwable, the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Cup of Squirrel

Hello, I would recommend [url=]Bloodshed Dev-C++[/url] for C++ programming. If you want to compile C code, I would suggest using a C compiler such as GCC. I'm un-aware of any free available IDE envrionments for the C language. Though you may be able to compile C code in Dev-C++. I've …

Member Avatar for mslade
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Hello, [font=courier new][u]Brief Tutorial Revision[/u]: All examples can be compiled successfully in your compiler. Also, each example is compatable using the [b]-Wall[/b], [b]-pedantic[/b], [b]-ansi[/b], and [b]-std=c89[/b] GCC flags. Also, a few paragraphs have been modified, and code examples improved. Previous tutorial, Pointers #2, has been combined in this revision.[/font] [b][u]Introduction[/u][/b] …

Member Avatar for nickamoin
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Hello, I have not done TCL script programming before, though I do believe the following links can help you: [list] [*][url=]Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk[/url] [*][url=]Tcl/Tk Information[/url] [*][url=]Tcl/Tk Tutorial[/url] [*][url=]TCL Electronic Reference[/url] *pdf file [/list] I can provide additional links if need be. - [color=#CC3200]S[/color]tack [color=#CC3200]O[/color]verflow

Member Avatar for gwmorris
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I've heard the curses library can be useful when trying to implement the handy DOS-only tools of gotoxy() and clrscr() using move() and initscr(). Though, there is a way to write your own gotoxy() in the Linux environment. This topic isn't touched often, so I would like to change that. …

Member Avatar for sudheer51
Member Avatar for iamboredguy

Not declaring a function's return value is an error in C++, whether the function is main or not. In C99, the October 1999 revision to Standard C, not declaring a function's return value is also an error (in the previous version of Standard C an implicit int was assumed as …

Member Avatar for sujitkumarsingh
Member Avatar for Fasola

Hello, [quote=Fasola] the function multiply() how did you go from parameters x and y to i and j, that looks like a "call-by-reference" but i don't understand why you did that and how it works[/quote][b]»[/b] One aspect of C functions may be unfamiliar to programmers who are used to some …

Member Avatar for A.Rehman Amjad
Member Avatar for C#Coder

Greetings, [b]»[/b] Any ideas why I can't include it? It sometimes depends. [b]fstream[/b] is part of the C++ standard, [b]fstream.h[/b] isn't. [b][u]The difference between fstream and fstream.h[/u][/b] [b]fstream[/b] is somewhat more restrictive than the older [b]fstream.h[/b]. One would possibly avoid problems by careful use of namespaces, but it would be …

Member Avatar for sgtjoebear
Member Avatar for cuddlers89

It's not free anymore sadly, though a link that is still alive contains version 1.2f, I believe, can be found here: [url][/url] [url][/url] - [color=#CC3200]S[/color]tack [color=#CC3200]O[/color]verflow

Member Avatar for Assinaters99
Member Avatar for Stack Overflow

Greetings, String parsing isn't always an easy task. Especially in cases where you need to split a single string into a great multitude, but also accounting for maximum performance. The following code presented does this task simply. Using precise allocation techniques perform greatly when writing an algorithm to precision.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kppowell

Greetings kppowell, I'm glad you have asked this question. Here is a detailed explanation between the differences of the two languages: [b][u]Differences between C++ and Java[/u][/b] Although the Java language is modeled on C++, it has several fundamental differences. It is important to keep in mind (for now) one fact: …

Member Avatar for sonu babu
Member Avatar for Mahen

Greetings Mahen, I have some useful links I believe might interest you. · [url=]How to create a DLL[/url] · [url=]DLL Reference Page[/url] · [url=]Other DLL Tutorial[/url] I hope you find this information useful. - [color=#CC3200]S[/color]tack [color=#CC3200]O[/color]verflow

Member Avatar for Bertie
Member Avatar for Ragnarok

Greetings Ragnarok, Notebook computers can be easily overheated. Here are a few reasons why: For Windows users, there may be a process running in the background that eats up alot of the CPU. When this happens, your computer thinks harder causing it to overheat. The [b]svchost.exe[/b] issue did that to …

Member Avatar for hotlipsporter
Member Avatar for Stack Overflow

Hello, I am experiencing a slight problem managing user accounts in Windows XP Home Edition. When running in an existing account, non-administrative, I run into an IE script error and am unable to view the User Accounts dialog found under Control Panel. I am unable to run as Administrator unless …

Member Avatar for Amgeek
Member Avatar for Stack Overflow

[b]eFax Messenger Plus — What Really Happened?[/b] To be honest, I don't know what really happened to the software. I recently discovered that []eFax[/url] no longer supports the eFax Messenger Plus software and that it has ceased to be made available to the consumer from both eFax and []j2 Global …

Member Avatar for raj124
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Yes, This is possible, and I have a working prototype that is simple to use. Though, before I display it I wanted to publicly ask the board where I should really post this. The "Windows" nor the "Software" section seemed suited for this topic, so I turned to the last …

Member Avatar for ax009_sally
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Hello, I am trying to determine the best possible solution to accomplish a simple, yet complex task. ([i]Regarding: Socket Programming[/i]) I've been working on a new project for quite some time and have written a custom framework from the ground up. It's more or less a ([b]Client --> Server --> …

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Hello fellow programmers, This is a tutorial about using pointers in the C environment. Please, don’t hit the back button; pointers aren’t as hard as you think. In fact without pointers, most of us would be lost in our latter programming years. Even though pointers are for the experienced, as …

Member Avatar for PeterPimmel
Member Avatar for The Girl

Welcome to the forums, I have written a program called "Conversion" a while back. It does exactly what you are looking for and more: [list][*]Decimal to Hex [*]Hex to Decimal [*]Hex String to Decimal [*]Decimal to Binary [*]Binary to Decimal [*]Float to Binary [*]Ascii to Binary [*]Binary to Ascii[/list] It's …

Member Avatar for alice_C
Member Avatar for rodzilla
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Hello, I beleive I found a suspicious file on my machine used as an [i]explorer.exe[/i] shell. I've been trying to remove it all day, with no luck. Below is my HJT Log: ---------------------------------- Logfile of HijackThis v1.98.2 Scan saved at 11:16:48 AM, on 5/9/2005 Platform: Windows 2000 SP4 (WinNT 5.00.2195) …

Member Avatar for cbbcisace
Member Avatar for kisseric

Greetings kisseric, Welcome to DaniWeb. Gain help, Gain trust. :) Enjoy! - [color=#CC3200]S[/color]tack [color=#CC3200]O[/color]verflow

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for kloony

Hello, [quote=kloony]for(i=0; i<1000; i++) QUEUEinit(50);[/quote] If I am correct in my thinking, you will have lost allocated memory in your program. Your pointer, [b]q[/b], is a variable. Allocating memory to it 1000 times will cause a problem. According to the C89 Sec. 4.10.3: [font=courier new]The pointer returned if the allocation …

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The End.