Happy new year All...

I need some help with my dissertation. Am currently working on my dissertation and the topic is DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE SYSTEM TO ASSIST INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISORS, The aim of this study is to produce a DSS that will support the independent financial advisors, when facing the decision of which policies best suit the client. The system will attempt to show the IFAs what the range of options are i.e. which policies are available to the client. The problem is that I cant seem to decide which language would be more suitable for the problem.

Please help.. am hoping to design and implement the system in the next four weeks to get it over and done with.....

If you need to finish in four weeks, a suitable language would be the highest-level language that you already know.

I know a few, like C++, Pascal, SQL and some web based application, but i dont know which one is best suited.

I know a few, like C++, Pascal, SQL and some web based application, but i dont know which one is best suited.

If you have some knowledges about web programming, I would suggest you to use PHP or ASP . If you don't have any knowledges with web programming, VB2008 is also good for quick-developing.

Be careful suggesting something that he doesn't know.

Sarehu's response is correct: choice of language won't matter so much as long as you are familiar enough with it to do the job. The more high-level the better. (Hence, given your list, C++ and Pascal are both good choices.

There is no need to restrict yourself to one language. If you feel that you will use some SQL, then use it too. Delphi is specifically designed with database development in mind, but I'm sure that C++ products (Borland's, at least) can handle database components just as easily.

In the real world, choice of language is driven by business concerns. In academia, that concern vanishes. If you can't see any clear advantage for one or another given your requirements, then just choose the one(s) you think will be easiest for you to use.

VB and MS access will do. However 4 weeks might be to less to complete your project assignment.

I've just got to wonder why people keep posting to use VB and others when the OP did not indicate that he knows it:

I know a few, like C++, Pascal, SQL and some web based application

As he has but four weeks to do it:

If you need to finish in four weeks, a suitable language would be the highest-level language that you already know.

Emphasis added.

When it is time to work, use tools with which you are familiar. Don't waste time learning some new tool when you already have tools that can do the same job.

Be careful suggesting something that he doesn't know.

I know a few, like C++, Pascal, SQL and some web based application, but i dont know which one is best suited.

I did not suggest what he don't know of, I suggested him to choose web programming since it could write a complete program quicker than C++ or Pascal. If he choose C++ and Pascal for develope the complete program in four weeks, that would be more diffcult than start learning VB for 2 weeks and spend another 2 weeks to complete his program.

Why such bitumen?

I've no problem with your web based application suggestions, and I said no ill of it. You did, however, suggest (now twice) he spend time learning VB.

Why do you believe that it is more difficult to develop a program in C++ or Pascal than VB? That is nothing more than bias on your part.

If you have only a month to develop a program, why spend time learning something you don't need and cut into time needed for development? This is business 101 here. Use the tools you know how to use, and don't waste time on ancillary problems.

Why do you believe that it is more difficult to develop a program in C++ or Pascal than VB? That is nothing more than bias on your part.

I do not dislike C++ and I didn't say that Visaul Basic(VB) is better than C++. Moreover, I only alternatively suggested him to use VB if he don't have any experience in web programming. I did not say that it is more difficult to develop a program in C++ than VB. I did say C++ is a time-consuming programming language when you deal with graphic interface. (spending time in learning WinAPI might take more time and more complicated than learning VB)

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