I Submitted a proposal titled Using Robots and Simple Programming to Attract Middle School Students to Computer Science but asked to settle for somethin less complex and 'straight forward',that would require me sticking to programming in php or vb/vb.NET alone..Please i'm Lookin out for suggestion and other relevant info.thanks

Context of proposed project

More like an African version of Itunes- Music Player and store
Music Store
Buy Music and Ringtone
Create a Widget
Review and Rate
Gift Cards and Gift Certificates
Convert a Song to MP3
Also Allowing Users to create a playlist on the media player..

It would be a website and an application to work with it.
Please i need ideas on how i can put this through. Thanks And I know it might not be explanatory enough. Thanks

Context of proposed project

More like an African version of Itunes- Music Player and store
Music Store
Buy Music and Ringtone
Create a Widget
Review and Rate
Gift Cards and Gift Certificates
Convert a Song to MP3
Also Allowing Users to create a playlist on the media player..

It would be a website and an application to work with it.
Please i need ideas on how i can put this through. Thanks And I know it might not be explanatory enough. Thanks

Then learn PHP and MySQL.

could i do all this with php and sql?

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