can anyone review this flowchart and tell me if it will count print the numbers from 1 to 10?

It looks like a zip file; why don't you just post the flow chart?

It looks like a zip file; why don't you just post the flow chart?

it wont alllow me topost a vsd formatted file it had to be zipped.

Copy it from vsd and paste it to word document or paint and post the image.

Copy it from vsd and paste it to word document or paint and post the image.

here is the flowchart in word format see attachment

here is the flowchart in ms word format.please take a look!

can anyone review this flowchart and tell me if it will count print the numbers from 1 to 10?

No it won't. If you would just draw out a table on paper with "count", "factoral" and the product of both, you could have easily found out that it counts from 100-10 .
Besides, why use an addtional variable anyway? Why not do something like:

count = 0
count = count + 1
if count <= 10 print count
else -> end

No it won't. If you would just draw out a table on paper with "count", "factoral" and the product of both, you could have easily found out that it counts from 100-10 .
Besides, why use an addtional variable anyway? Why not do something like:

count = 0
count = count + 1
if count <= 10 print count
else -> end

Does this flowchart do any better?

You're almost there.

In the attachment is a chart I made. (in paint, I don't have visio :) )

Try to finds the differences between yours and mine and try to find out why I made the choices I did. Come back if you have any questions!

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