I'm using a software which I think is sending "unauthorised" http calls to some server. I only doubt this, not sure.
Is there some way of checking this and making sure it doesn't transfer any info?
Any software I can use to determine this would be very useful. I'm on windows XP.
Many thanks


Install a decent firewall which allows you to control who gets out, as well as who gets in.
Configure it to only allow your browser to make outbound connections over http.

Install http://www.wireshark.org/ and use it to observe what your machine is doing on the network.

Installed version 1.1.1 but unfortunately my screen reader is not reading anything in that software.
Any other software I can use? Like the firewall that comes with win xp prompts me when something (most of them) connects to web. Is something like this available but blocks everything (including IE) and then I can unblock the ones I want...
Thank you

Perfect! This is what I was looking for.
Found 67 infections and fixed those. Even blocked outlook. (I allowed it later).
Very nice software!
Thank you for this one.

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