I want to make a bot (not a chatting bot), to open and use programs on my computer, to tell it to open/close and use a program. Kind of making my computer use its self with me not being there. and if possible to be able to send commands from my cell to my computer to start gathering information or using programs.
Also im not really good with programs, all i can do is learn to use them, I don't even know how to build one so a tutorial would be nice. I practicly don't know anything about building bots or programs. But I have a lot of time this summer, even though I am still going to school.

I dont know if what I am asking is realistic, but I so want one!
I really need it because my parents dont even know how to turn on a computer and are always asking me to do things on the computer for them but im not always there (I have tried teaching them, it dosen't work), and sometimes I need to get information on things like little project or homework for school and I have no computer to use.

Control a PC from a cell phone? I highly doubt that's something you could manage even with the help here. The only way I can think of doing that is sending emails from your phone, having a program on your PC to recieve them and follow instructions. Even if you somehow managed to get some communication between the two, I don't see how much help you could be to your parents with what little control you will have over your PC.

Control a PC from a cell phone? I highly doubt that's something you could manage even with the help here. The only way I can think of doing that is sending emails from your phone, having a program on your PC to recieve them and follow instructions. Even if you somehow managed to get some communication between the two, I don't see how much help you could be to your parents with what little control you will have over your PC.

so its not realistic...? oh bites.... T-T

Well it is, but you said this.
> Also im not really good with programs, all i can do is learn to use them

Without the ability to write code kind of 'code' to analyse a received message, and cause some action to be performed, you're not going to get far with anything.

Have a look at the email filters for your email application. Some of them can be used to recognise specific messages, and cause specific things to happen as a result.


Well it is, but you said this.
> Also im not really good with programs, all i can do is learn to use them

Without the ability to write code kind of 'code' to analyse a received message, and cause some action to be performed, you're not going to get far with anything.

oh well let me refrase that, i havent had much expirience creating
things from nothing... however, i have been able to give comands
and reactions to video game characters (or more rather created video game movements like making the left arrow tell the character to move left and cause sertain reactions, after the program is made), so im good takeing codes and try to mimick them sometimes it works sometimes it dosent, im not sure if that would help me on creating a bot but, i guess your right and i should start with the small stuff or so... can u advice me on anthing ... like a book or tutorials even videos... im not very good at reading long information on the computer that is basicly a book. but i will if i must. ( i usually print it and read it, but, i dont have ink and i dont have for ever to stay on the comp and i usually lose my spot of where i was...)
thank you

Well the Wiki page was more to help you figure out how to send an email from your phone. If you can't work it out from there, then ask your mobile service provider for how to do it.

Once you can send a message, then move on to making something happen when it arrives. As I said before, check your email client. Most good clients have "filter rules" which allow you to do various things in response to certain kinds of messages arriving.

Member Avatar for sravan953

I want to make a bot (not a chatting bot), to open and use programs on my computer, to tell it to open/close and use a program. Kind of making my computer use its self with me not being there. and if possible to be able to send commands from my cell to my computer to start gathering information or using programs.
Also im not really good with programs, all i can do is learn to use them, I don't even know how to build one so a tutorial would be nice. I practicly don't know anything about building bots or programs. But I have a lot of time this summer, even though I am still going to school.

I dont know if what I am asking is realistic, but I so want one!
I really need it because my parents dont even know how to turn on a computer and are always asking me to do things on the computer for them but im not always there (I have tried teaching them, it dosen't work), and sometimes I need to get information on things like little project or homework for school and I have no computer to use.

I have found out a way to do it! :)

First, you need a free hosting account, the create a program to look up that site every 'x' minutes.

What you do is, from your cellphone, login to the free file hosting website, create a webpage(your program has to always check THAT particular page), and just type in whatever you want(WITHOUT any HTML tags)....and then make the program run it!

For example: I created a Python program to check http://www.sravan935.webs.com/command_python.html every 60 seconds. The program takes in the command and executes it.

So what I basically do is, login to the website from anywhere, and edit the 'command_python.html' file(the program has to be left running!)....this is the only way I could think of and it worked for me! ;)

wow super concept..but how to implement this?

Member Avatar for sravan953

What exactly do you mean by 'implement'?


Me and my friends are starting a programming company, named sNext, that will be launched pretty much friday. We don't have any website URL yet but you can always send a request for a bot/software/program at <snipped> and we'll do our best to do it:).

Untill next time,
The team

Not sure about a regular cellphone, but with an iphone/itouch and other smart phones you can use a VNC client to control whatever computer you put a VNC server on.

Oh such a nice blog Its really helpful for me. Really its too nice and joyful.



commented: ... -2

msgbox "Hello people of this website XD this is a test to see if this works, i know its not gonna work",51,"test"
if that didnt work you just got a code for a pop up! XD

looking at this now in 2012, and when first post was, in 2005, omg, can i now have the permission to say "back then" "when you could not control a pc from a cell phone, not only can i do that now but you can hack into a pc from a cell phone now and hack wifi from a cell phone...

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