I Answered a question and there is no answer to it so i am unsure if what i have done is correct if anyone can confirm my answers or point me in the direction of where I am going wrong I would appreciate it

A digital filter has the transfer function:

H(z) = (Z^2 +1/(Z^2+0.49)

Determine the zeros and poles

Zeros = +-i
Poles =+-0.7i

Determine the linear difference equation governing its operation:

Yn=Xn+0.49Xn-2 - Yn-2

Thanks for any help

Well, if you were typing this into a computer for a program(which I'm guessing you are), then it could be the fact that you are missing aone of your parenthesis in H(z) = (Z^2).
I'm not sure if that's just a typo or not. otherwise I don't see any problems with it.

Woops. I meant that the one of your parenthesis is missing here:
H(z) = (Z^2 +1/(Z^2+0.49)).

Your zero's + poles are correct, your LCCD is incorrect as you have missed a term.

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